sharpcap fails following restart.

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sharpcap fails following restart.


Post by Beepa »

Hi, I'm running SC on windows 10 & 11. The first time I start Sharpcap following reboot or awakening laptop, Sharpcap opens. However, as soon as I select a camera (whether mine or "folder monitor", etc) Sharpcap pauses and then disappears from screen without any message. If I then re-open Sharpcap, I can then select any camera and switch between them and it works flawlessly the rest of the evening. I can also then close & reopen Sharpcap & it continues to run fine with any camera selected. Strange??
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Re: sharpcap fails following restart.


Post by admin »


yes, that's definitely an odd one - not heard of that before!

If you have a look in SharpCap's log folder (use File menu, then 'Show Log', then 'Locate on Disk'), the logs for the crashed runs will probably be there and might contain some info about what is going wrong (on the other hand, they could just be cut off in the middle of doin something). There are also tools that can be used to capture crash dump information when this sort of thing happens.

One thing that is always worth considering when a bug seems very strange and almost impossible is to wonder whether antivirus software is playing a part in the bug? Are you using Microsoft antivirus or something else? The 'free but we want to sell you a subscription' antivirus programs can be very intrusive in their desire to convince you they are doing something worthwhile and are sometimes the causes of weird crashes.


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