Sequencer Live Stack / Focuser

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Sequencer Live Stack / Focuser


Post by nexusjeep »

Hi Robin,
Currently I am using the sequencer to run a focus scan around the current focus point I have to manually edit this as due to the small step size on the Esatto I need 12 focus points +/- 10,000 steps either side to get a curve that Sharcap likes and the step box in the sequence planner does not go that high but that's not a problem.

What I currently do is pick a target and plate solve to frame it as I want, Next I run the focus sequence to get focus on this target then start live stacking I then monitor the temperature on the focuser and if it changes by 0.5c I then pause live stack and run a refocus then restart live stacking.

Looking at the latest documentation I see I can pause and start live stacking from the sequencer if doing this can I still adjust the colours and curve on the live stack whilst the sequence is running or are all sharp cap manual interventions locked out whilst the sequencer routine is active. Secondly I have looked but don't think I can see the focuser temperature as an option in the sequencer + livestack to see if a refocus is necessary and not entirely sure if what I am proposing is possible under the sequence option so would I be looking more along the lines of scripting something.

Plan "B" would be to refocus every "X" number of frames in live stack as this is possible so if using 3 min subs live stack 10 frames then run a refocus step then back to live stack for 10 more and so on. Currently in the focus step I store the current exposure gain set it for focus then restore the original camera settings so that would still work fine.

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Re: Sequencer Live Stack / Focuser


Post by admin »

Hi Nick,

bits of what you want are already available...

You can pause live stacking from the sequencer and run whatever sequencer steps you need for focus, then re-open and resume live stacking and it should continue from where it left off.

There is a sequencer step to unlock the camera controls while part of a sequence is running ('Unlock SharpCap camera controls while running these steps'), but I am not sure if it will also unlock the live stacking controls - I suspect it may not, but that could probably be changed or a separate step for that added.

Currently there isn't a way to monitor the focuser temperature from within the sequencer, so you would have to use a frame based or time based approach. If using frame based, there is a useful 'Live stack for N more frames then pause' step.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Sequencer Live Stack / Focuser


Post by nexusjeep »

Hi Robin,
Had already spotted the live stack for N frames as was looking what was there so will probably go with that, also looking to add dither to the loop do I also need to use the check PHD guiding bit or does it do that automatically and also the live stack currently alters the exposure time whilst dithering does the sequence command do the same and then put back the live stack exposure afterwards.

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