Pause after exposure in the Sequencer

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Pause after exposure in the Sequencer


Post by descott12 »

I don't believe this is possible but it would be very helpful. I am using the Sequencer to capture expoplanet transits. I would like to capture, for example, a 30 second exposure every minute or two for 3 hours. Currently, all I can do is capture 30 seconds over and over for 3 hours and that ends up with way more images than I need or want.
Is there a way for it to pause for x seconds after an exposure?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Pause after exposure in the Sequencer


Post by admin »


you can't do this using the deep sky sequence planner, but it is certainly possible using the advanced sequence editor - for example the sequence below shows the main points
Screenshot 2023-08-28 142351.jpg
Screenshot 2023-08-28 142351.jpg (75.95 KiB) Viewed 426 times
Hope this helps,

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Re: Pause after exposure in the Sequencer


Post by descott12 »

Thanks Robin,
That will work well. I guess I didn't know there was a difference between the sequence planner and the editor. I thought they were sort of the same thing. I will need to educate myself on this. Thanks again for such an awesome program.
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Re: Pause after exposure in the Sequencer


Post by admin »


basically the sequence planner is an 'easy to use' way to build sequences. Behind the scenes it actually makes a sequence up in the same blocks as the editor uses. You can even start off in the planner, then press 'Advanced Edit' to transfer what you have so far into the sequence editor for tweaking (you can't go back the other way).

The editor has loads of additional flexibility, but is subsantially more complex to work with. You also need to take care to build a sensible sequence using the editor, as it will let you build broken ones (ie close camera then capture frames). The sequence planner should always build a workable sequence.


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