Individual Flats Not Created

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Individual Flats Not Created


Post by GaryS »

When preparing to capture Flats a few nights ago, I selected to create and save individual flat frames. A master flat was created but I've not been able to find any individual flat frames.

I checked in the manual and found that it has not been updated to include the new features such as creating individual flats. At the time it seemed obvious how to have SC create the individual flat frames so I'm reporting this as a bug but I assume others have had success getting individual flat frames so I'm assuming I failed to do something but the lack of an updated manual forces me to post this question.

Thank you for any help you can provide..


ps: Why not allow us to create individual Flat-Darks and Darks? This would make SC pretty much the only application I'd need for many tasks
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Re: Individual Flats Not Created


Post by admin »

Hi Gary,

while you are capturing the flats is will pop up a green notification telling you where they are being saved to. You can click on the blue hyperlink text in that notification to open the folder automatically. They don't go into the same folder as the master dark, instead SharpCap creates a folder named as though you had entered 'flats' or 'flat bias' or 'dark flats' into the target name box. With my file name settings that means

SharpCap Captures\<Date>\flats\<Time>\

Honestly the two reasons that you can't do it for darks is that

(1) it started off not keeping the individual files, so changing that is work


(2) Whoever asked for keeping them asked for flats

One of these days ... :)


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Re: Individual Flats Not Created


Post by GaryS »

Thank you Robin. I thought I had made a series of flats for 4 filter conditions but was not able to find any of the individual flats. I guess I have to intervene during the making of the flats to see where they are going so I can find them later. Doesn't seem like and ideal situation but i'll figure out how to work with it.
Take care...
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