Unintentional Parameter Changes with Trackball Mouse

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Unintentional Parameter Changes with Trackball Mouse


Post by MarMax »

I'm not sure this is a feature request. It's more of an explanation of something stupid that I seem to do all the time. This is all related to using the various Camera Controls. I'm a relatively experienced SC 4.1 Beta user and I'm constantly changing parameters like exposure, gain, brightness, darks, flats and background subtraction settings. So I'm manually selecting these various fields and either typing values or selecting options.

What I'm finding is happening with fields that are values like exposure and gain, is after I type in a new value, say gain=200 and quickly move to do something else I'll find a bit later that the gain is 205 or 209 because I use a trackball mouse and moving the cursor to another area seems to be changing the last value I've entered.

I'd say this happens a couple times every EAA session where I'm live stacking and 20 minutes into the stack and notice the Gain is 205 or 357 when the values I entered and want are 200/350.

It seems like once I hit the Return key after typing in a value for Gain, the field should stop paying attention to the trackball. Is this not how it works and how do I keep this from happening?
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Re: Unintentional Parameter Changes with Trackball Mouse


Post by admin »


that's odd, since I always use a trackball (logitech m575) and I've never had anything like that happen. In fact I just had a try to deliberately make something like that happen and can't.

A couple of things come to mind...

* Does your mouse have a horizontal scroll wheel? Mine doesn't, but I wonder if that somehow links to control slider values when you have selected them

* Is there special software for your trackball? Sometimes there can be customizations built into the software that add extra functionality to the basic mouse move/click/wheel behaviour - maybe that could be doing something on your setup that doesn't happen on mine.

What would help - if possible - is if you could work out how to do this deliberately by selecting the control and then trying the move/wheel/click/whatever until you can work out exactly what causes the change. Knowing the exact cause would give me a much better chance of understanding/working out if anything can be done.


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Re: Unintentional Parameter Changes with Trackball Mouse


Post by MarMax »


I'm using the same trackball (M575) and I did check things out and it's definitely operator error. Because I'm moving around quite a bit in the Camara Controls panel I need to be more aware of the real estate, especially the Quick Picks selection box and the Up and Down arrows adjacent to the Exposure and Analogue Gain. When the cursor crosses through these areas the vertical scroll wheel can change the values (and seems to do so for me anyway).

I use the scroll wheel constantly within the Camera Control panel to reposition the sub-menus like Image Control, Preprocessing, etc. So my crossing over the forbidden real estate while scrolling the sub-menus is probably what's happening. I must say that I never use the Up and Down arrows for Gain or Exposure. Gain is manually entered and Exposure is a Quick Pick or manually entered.

The only thing I can think of is a timer for the "forbidden" areas. For folks that want to change values with an arrow key or scroll wheel, they should be sitting within a selection area for more than say 20ms. For dummies like me that are merely crossing over these areas while attempting to scroll the entire panel, the cross over period is brief and likely 20ms or less. And feel free to ignore this since I'm likely the only one with the issue.

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Re: Unintentional Parameter Changes with Trackball Mouse


Post by admin »

Hi Mike,

OK, following that info and a bit more experimentation, I think I can see what is causing it

1) Dropdown options like binning or colour space - if these are selected without the dropdown being open then the wheel changes the value. Selection without the dropdown open happens by right clicking on them, or clicking once to open the dropdown then again to close it

2) The up/down buttons to the right of exposure/gain respond to mouse wheel movements.

Neither of those is critical, so I will see if they can be easily suppressed or limited in some way like you suggest.


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