Planetary Stacking and Sharpening

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Planetary Stacking and Sharpening


Post by Tfer »

This is admittedly, a long shot…

Would it be possible to implement, using the Live Stack feature, a planetary option.

I believe that the tools to do so, are already available in the software.

My “vision” would be to combine the Planet/Disc Stabilization (SharpCap can obviously recognize planets) with the ability to choose between Contrast (Edge) Detection, Histogram Range Detection and Fourier Detail Detection.

A user would set their ‘acceptable’ floor, and like when stacking Deep Sky images with the Brightness or FWHM filter, the software would automatically bypass the frames that didn’t meet the Detection level.

From there, a user would be able to sharpen the image using an unsharp mask, or a new wavelet tool.

Essentially, it would be lucky imaging, on the fly.

Thanks for taking a moment to consider this.

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Re: Planetary Stacking and Sharpening


Post by Tfer »

Upon further thought, and understanding user’s RAM capabilities, being able to limit the number of frames saved could be accomplished by tying in the existing frame capture rate menu.

A user with a high RAM computer could potentially use the maximum frame rate, while the user with only 8GB might only want 2-3 frames per second to keep from crashing.
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Re: Planetary Stacking and Sharpening


Post by admin »


I think in theory it might be possible with a powerful computer to do something in this direction, but I don't have any of the software building blocks to do planetary stacking (which is quite a different thing to deep sky stacking). Also, if you think about it, how long does it take software like Autostakkert to fully process an SER file? I suspect it takes longer than capturing it (even if you take out all the time for clicking on stuff and just count the processing time). That suggests that it would be hard to write code to keep up with modern high speed cameras.

In summary, it might be possible, but right now it's not on my radar for SharpCap, sorry.


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