Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?

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Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by CraigG »

Hello All!

I've successfully used my Horizon 1 on SharpCap for several years now via ASCOM. I decided to load a more current software version of hopes that this version might provide native support rather than just through ASCOM. I know that Robin was working on that for Horizons back in the day. I do see a new line listing for "Atik Horizon" in the Camera drop down menu but using that selection never connects, gives me an error notice, or kicks me out.

As I'm not really familiar with the mechanics of "native" camera support, I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if I just need to download a different version..(4.0?)

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by admin »

Hi Craig,

yes, I had a Horizon here at one point (or maybe it was the Horizon2) and had it working. There's not much change to Atik support in 4.0, but certainly worth trying 4.0. Also, make sure you have the latest Atik Core software installed ( - if you have an old version then it may not work.

If all that fails, try selecting the camera and then send me the log - captured after it fails. Maybe that will reveal what is going wrong.


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Re: Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by CraigG »

Hi Robin!

Nice to hear from you again. I'll check the Core version that I have...haven't felt the need to update in a while since everything was working so nicely!

So briefly, what are the advantages generally of having native support for cameras as opposed to ASCOM only?

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Re: Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by admin »

Hi Craig,

if you have a CCD camera then not much advantage to native support as ASCOM does everything that a CCD camera can need fairly well - exposure length, cooling, binning, ROI. Also CCDs cannot really do fast frame rates (at least not at high resolution), so there is no problem that ASCOM can be a bit slow.

CMOS cameras tend to have more adjustable controls - ASCOM really only covers gain, leaving all the others hidden away behind the ASCOM setup dialog rather than in full view. There are also much better reasons to switch into 8 bit mode in CMOS, and again that would be hidden behind the setup dialog (at the best) in ASCOM.


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Re: Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by CraigG »

Good info as usual Robin! Thanks again and have a marvelous weekend.

Best wishes,
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Re: Atik Horizon (original) Native Support?


Post by Noah4x4 »

I have an original Atik Horizon OSC. It now works fine in Sharpcap, but users of (say) ZWO cameras might get confused by its exposure and gain settings in SharpCap (and vice versa). This post might help.

ZWO and Atik use Gain scales that differ by a factor of x10. Hence 200 in ZWO speak is merely 20 in Atik speak. So when one sees a suggestion from a ZWO owner of using a gain setting of "300" in Cloudy Nights don't forget to divide that by 10 for Atik. The Atik is super sensitive and works well at lower Gain.

There was a problem in early versions of Sharpcap that Robin and Atik has since resolved. The Atik Gain defaults originally looked for presents of Low, Medium and High. Now (in SharpCap) it correctly enters bespoke Gain mode. So if using a Atik Horizon, ensure your version of Sharpcap is upgraded to a recent version.

The original Atik Horizon OSC also has a much slower minimum frame rate than (say) a ZWO ASI294. It is a super sensitive camera for DSOs, and awesome on Hyperstar, but pretty useless on lunar/planetary/daylight. Faster frame rates are available in the revised Atik Horizon II. It is a shame that Atik can no longer secure supplies of its sensor and the Horizon OSC (like similar ZWO ASI600) has had to be withdrawn, as it is a great camera!

However, the slow frame rates of the original Atik Horizon can also confuse. For example, if testing in daylight, it is easy to assume the original Atik Horizon has (say) focus issues. The faster frame rate enabled Horizon II OCS is arguably the perfect solution. But, is no longer available (the MONO version is still available) . Sadly, this will become a general trend as sensor availability is driven by demand in the terrestrial DSLR and phone camera market. More great astro-cameras will become unavailable, but not from technical obsolescence. Do we really desire 60 megapixel cameras for Astrophotography? Surely larger, more sensitive, pixels are typically better for our needs? Binning looks like becoming ever more attractive as sensor suze and pixel numbers reach dizzy numbers.
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