Sequencer progress window lockout

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Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

I did a camera exposure and gain self test and Sharpcap reported a successful test but no exposure data was reported in the sequencer window.
Started a long sequence but the sequencer progress window only indicated the camera self test report and nothing I did would change that.
With no progress being reported I relied on the data in the green image saved window as to the progress being made in the sequence. With no active report window I could not pause, stop or E stop the sequence.
Towards the end of the sequence after about 2 hours the correct sequencer progress window suddenly appeared.

It would be very useful to have the red box drawn round the filter in use in the camera settings panel on the right hand side. This panel is largely disabled but the Dec and Ra data is continuously updated so adding the red box around the active filter would not be too much of a overhead?
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by admin »


please could you share the sequence that you ran that did not show progress - with the exact sequence I may be able to reproduce and fix the problem.

For the filter wheel highlight, I actually fixed that bug earlier today - it will be in next week's SC 4.0 update.


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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

I wanted to start the imaging run early in the night due to cloud coming but I was not sure that the sky was dark enough to start so I ran from the camera settings menu an exposure test. This test was completed but I did not see on the screen or in the test completed window any data on what was the exposure time just that it was completed successfully.
I immediately set the sequence (picture attached) to run and the screen cleared with the galaxy on the screen but no progress screen. Moving the cursor over the Sharpcap icon on the bottom it split into two with what looked like the sequencer progress box but when it enlarged it was the exposure test progress info. When I tried to move the mouse onto this the progress report box would disappear.
I could not get sharpcap to close because the X in the top right would not go red.In effect I was locked out from all screen controls.
I think that Cntrl Alt and Del would have given me back control but as the the sequence was progressing I let it run to completion.

Moving back into the house, using Remote desktop I monitored progress. all other bottom row icons would bring up the correct screen i.e. PHD, Pulsar EQMOD etc. Towards the end of the sequence I was watching PHD guiding and then went back to sharpcap when I saw that the sequence progress screen was now correctly displayed (about 2 hours into the run).
Hope this helps
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

I have successfully run the sequence in the picture with changes to the number of exposures. In the camera settings I have the "let sharpcap choose the exposure and gain" ticked.
The exposure numbers for the problem run were 8.4 seconds for the LRGB and this changed to 30.8 seconds for the Ha and Oii filters.

This was the first time I had done a just a test on the "let sharpcap choose exps times" before running the sequence so I am guessing that the problem software wise lies with the transition between the self test and the sequence run. Perhaps the self test progress image is being held by the software and is not able to be overwritten by the sequencer progress image? This might be why the main sequnecer progess report was running in the background but the exposure test was being displayed?
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

It might also explain why as soon as I moved the mouse off the split Sharpcap icon at the bottom of the screen the self test sequencer window would immediately disappear. It was if the software knew this was not the correct sequencer image but was unable to display the progress report

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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

I ran a test just now. Started all the software in sequence and connected to the camera.
I then asked for a self exposure test and (apologies) if I scroll back I can see the recommended exposure etc settings. Reported no errors

Connected to PHD ( but not tracking ) and started the sequence. I got a PHD error message and a finished message and then the sequencer updater disappeared and a complete lockout from sharpcap. All other software's were running ok.

Recovered control with Cntl/Alt/Del
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by admin »


can you send me the log from one of the problem runs - not only will the log contain exact details of the sequence that you are trying to run, it may also contain information that helps explain what is going wrong.

When I run a similar sequence plan, the planner window vanishes and is replaced by the progress window as soon as I press 'RUN'.


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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

I had a look for where the logs were stored but I could not find them.
Will go to the obs now and take a look
What's the file extension for the log?
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

Found them
There is one file from the 27th which is too big to attach. its 1.1 gb
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Re: Sequencer progress window lockout


Post by Tomatobro »

in the 1.1. gb files there seems to be a awful lot of these

in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.357382 #20 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.358381 #42 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.358381 #20 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.358381 #42 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.358381 #20 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.358381 #42 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.359381 #20 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.359381 #42 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.359381 #20 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.359381 #42 Connection to PHD2 lost in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.MessageTransferOnConnectionLost(object sender, EventArgs e)
Warning 22:39:13.359381 #20 Connection to PHD2
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