Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS

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Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS


Post by jimv »


Image frames are not being displayed in SharpCap (v3.1). The Previewing status message shows 0 frames (0 dropped). SharpCap is not displaying any error messages.

IC Campute (Imaging Source) works fine. Color Format and Video Size setting is either: BY8 (1024x786) or Y800 (1024x786).

The SharpCap Resolution and Colour Space settings are: 1024x768 and RAW8 respectively -- the only choices available in the pick lists.

I have tried Frame Rate Limit settings of 8 fps and Maximum; neither alters the behavior.

I could not see how to check the Color Format and Video Size settings in SharpCap.

The computer is running Microsoft Windows 10 (fully updated).

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Re: Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS


Post by admin »

Hi Jim,

coincidentally I had a DMK41AU04 arrive yesterday which I bought because I had no Celestron/IS cameras to test any problems with. However that camera worked straight away when I connected it, so it's no immediate help when sorting out your issue :(

So... let's try some basic troubleshooting and if that reveals nothing then I will have to add some detailed logging to a new version of SharpCap to try to work out why your camera is sulking...

1) Check you have the latest drivers installed (2.9.4 seems to be the latest version for my device)
2) Use a short USB cable (no extensions) for initial testing. Change to a different cable too just in case of cable issues
3) Change USB ports again just in case that makes a difference
4) Check that you are using the camera under the 'Celestron/Imaging Source' section of the cameras list, not the DirectShow section - ie
Capture.PNG (4.43 KiB) Viewed 12347 times
If the camera doesn't show in a 'Celestron/Imaging Source' section then install the SharpCap Pre-requisites installer (link on download page).

There is not much else to adjust on these cameras - the 'Frame Rate Limit' control will not have any effect - all that does is apply a limit to the rate that SharpCap processes frames after they have arrived from the camera - it doesn't send any settings adjustments to the camera at all.


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Re: Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS


Post by jimv »

Hi Robin,

Thanks so much for your quick and thorough response.

1) I am using version 2.9.4 of the driver.
2) The USB cable is short and there are no extension cables.
3) Changing USB ports did not make a difference.
4) I am connecting to the camera from the DBx 31AU03.AS choice under the Celestron/Imaging Source section -- forgot to mention this originally.

The camera continues to reliably work with IC Capture using the exact same USB cable and ports so I did not try a different USB cable.

For what it is worth, when connecting from IC Capture, the camera always defaults to YUY2 (1024x768) for Color Format and Video Size; this results in IC Capture conveying that the device is in live mode but not delivering images and suggesting that a different video format be tried. After I manually select either Y800 or BY8, the images start arriving.

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Re: Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS


Post by admin »

Hi Jim,

the last bit is interesting - I will have a further think about what that might mean in terms of the way SharpCap controls the camera.


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Re: Frames not Displaying for DBK 31AU03.AS


Post by jimv »

Thanks Robin. I will look further into how to change this default behavior the camera is exhibiting; I don't like it. --jim
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