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How to Estimate a Settings Range for Eclipse

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:33 pm
by Rocket_Guy
This is just a general question about how to estimate a good range of exposure/gain settings to use during totality. The sequence generator for the eclipse is a great tool, but I need to put in an appropriate range of settings to use during totality (e.g. 0.01 to 0.1 sec or .0001 to .001 or whatever). Is there a way to estimate this? I don't want to find out after the fact that I chose a totally inappropriate range of settings. I have an 8" Newtonian and a ZWO ASI 1600 with 0.5 reducer an Ha filter. Thanks to all.


Re: How to Estimate a Settings Range for Eclipse

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:41 pm
by oopfan

Only use the Ha filter during partial phases. You'll have plenty of time to discover the proper exposure using the histogram.

Remove the filter during Bailey's Beads and totality. Run through the following exposures:
1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000.

You know best how long it takes to download a frame from the camera. Say it takes 1 sec. Given that, calculate how many frames can be captured at each exposure setting such that it covers the time range from 2nd contact to 3rd contact (i.e. Bailey's Beads to Bailey's Beads.)

If this is your first eclipse, it won't be your last. Use what you learn and apply it to the next.


Re: How to Estimate a Settings Range for Eclipse

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:56 pm
by Rocket_Guy
Wow! That's a lot of settings and pretty much covers the waterfront. Makes sense though. Thanks for the tip about the Ha filter. I guess I will remove it entirely since I can't achieve focus with my reducer if I use my filter wheel