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CA Reduction with Folder Monitor Camera

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:16 pm
by Astro_shed
I am currently using SharpCap to stack images that are being saved to folder by NINA. I would like to use the CA Reduction tool in SharpCap while live stacking these images, however, the option is not available when using the Folder Monitor camera. The only workaround that I have been able find is to use the Experimental Deep Sky Camera using the saved SharpCap stacked image. Am I missing something?

Re: CA Reduction with Folder Monitor Camera

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:20 pm
by admin

it should work in the folder monitor camera, but will not show up if SharpCap thinks the images are monochrome. This could happen if the images are in TIFF format or in FITS but do not have the header information that SharpCap expects to identify them as RAW colour images.

If the colour space for the images in the folder monitor camera shows up as MONO16 (or MONO8 for that matter) then this is the cause of the problem. Directly under the colour space, you will see a control 'Debayer Preview'. Set that to one of the 'Force XXXX' options (only one will give correct colours on screen - a bit of trial and error may be needed). Once that is done, the CA correction should appear.

