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Gains used in sensor analysis

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:06 pm
by CakeInterface
Hi there,

I'm doing sensor analysis on a Touptek/Risingcam camera.

Sharpcap is using what appear to be arbitrary gain values to do the analysis. These seem to change depending on whether I use the ASCOM or built in driver.

I wish to use my own gain values, in order to get a better understanding of the sensors responses.

I've tries searching the ASCOM driver and Sharpcap folders, but can find no way to change the gains.

Am I missing something?

Re: Gains used in sensor analysis

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:56 pm
by admin

SharpCap will try to use a roughly equally spaced range of gains when analyzing the camera - the number and spacing would depend on the total gain range of the camera. For instance gains of 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000 might be used. SharpCap will then potentially add to that list any gains that might be 'of significance' - ie the point where the camera switches from LCG to HCG mode. You can add your own gains using the Python scripting tool before running the analysis, but cannot delete/remove any of the gains that SharpCap has decided on. In the python scripting window, run a command like this after opening the camera but before running the analysis. The example given will add data points at gains 200,250 and 280.

Code: Select all

When using the direct SDK option to control these cameras in SharpCap, the gain value is an indication of how much brighter the gain is making the image than the 'default' (minimum gain) brightness. 200 is 2x brighter, 500 is 5x brighter, etc. The ASCOM driver may present the gain value in a different way and so give different values.

