Livestack frame reset

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Livestack frame reset


Post by TrevorAustin »


Really enjoying using livestacking right now but one massive frustration which could be very easily sorted.

If I’m livestacking 3 minute or 5 or longer and using phd2 and the option to only stack when it’s guiding, which is great as if clouds come over phd loses lock and I don’t stack rubbish.

However if that happens 3 seconds in to a 300 second frame, then immediately clears it then just carries on and rejects the frame 297 seconds later.

Please could you get it to start recapturing the current frame from 0 as soon as it regains lock?

I can’t see any reason to want to carry on but a radio button to allow either way would work fine.
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Re: Livestack frame reset


Post by admin »


good suggestion - it would make sense if the code changed the exposure down to 2s during guiding loss (like it does while dithering) and then restored it on guiding restore. Another thing (which I have added to sequencer capture) is to be sensible about the amount of guiding loss that triggers the frame to be dropped - is it worth discarding a long exposure for a 2s guiding drop out in the middle of it.


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Re: Livestack frame reset


Post by TrevorAustin »

Yes that could work, or make it configurable, I worry that light reflection off cloud, even a couple of seconds, could taint the frame.
It would need to know not to stack the short exposures I think .
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