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Feature Tracking & Scripting/Sequencing

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:51 pm
by castor
Should Feature Tracking work while running python scripts or the sequencer? I tried with Python but it stopped after a little bit.

Alternatively, it'd be nice to be able to access the calibration data and routines for doing Center of Mass calculations from within those tools.

Re: Feature Tracking & Scripting/Sequencing

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:42 pm
by admin

right now there is no access to the feature tracking information from sequencer or scripting, so it has to be launched and managed through the menus and its own user interface.

I can't see any reason why feature tracking would have to stop or would fail when using scripting, but it might depend on what the script does - perhaps certain actions or changes might disable feature tracking or stop it from tracking properly.

What are you trying to do with scripting while feature tracking is active?



Re: Feature Tracking & Scripting/Sequencing

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:16 pm
by castor
We're trying to capture SER files and launch programs to do additional processing (specifically PlanetarySystemStacker and sftp).

The script does set a bunch of camera control values:
scc.Binning.Value = '1'
scc.ColourSpace.Value = 'MONO16'
scc.BlackLevel.Value = 100
scc.OutputFormat.Automatic = False
scc.Gain.Value = 0
scc.Resolution.Value = '1000x1000'
scc.OutputFormat.Value = 'SER file (*.ser)'

Re: Feature Tracking & Scripting/Sequencing

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:00 pm
by admin

things that change the size or bit depth of the image will stop and restart the camera, and that could have an impact on the feature tracking. In your scripting example, setting the binning, resolution or colour space *could* do that (if the values you are setting are different to the existing ones). If the values are already set to the same ones that the scritp tries to set then it should be smart enough to ignore the 'changes'.

