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X degrees before meridian

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:19 pm
by DirtyRod
Hey all,

I’m pretty close to having a fully automated sequence and am now down to just the flip. I’ve tested a flip sequence that platesolves, saves the cords, and then does a GoTo and it works. Now, I just need a trigger.

I’ve been trying to use the RUN xxxx UNTIL 1 DEGREES BEFORE THE MERIDIAN command but it just keeps running past the meridian. I see it logged as entering the loop but it’s acting like it’s not at the meridian even if I change it to 5 or 10 degrees before. I also added a PLATESOLVE AND SAVE before the command thinking SC needed that to know where it was.

Interestingly enough, last night it called the flip sequence WAY before the meridian as though it thought the meridian was at least 20 degrees before the the actual meridian. The mount didn’t actually flip obviously because it was well before the meridian but obviously SC thought it was 1 degrees before the meridian when it wasn’t.

So, what tells SC where it is? The mount has a proper alignment since my GoTos are all accurate and the CGX-L mount and laptop have the correct time and date.

Note: I cannot seem to do a sync to the mount. If I do that the mount gets really confused and doesn’t know where it is which is why I do the plate and save versus plate and sync. Not sure if it needs to sync for some reason.

Re: X degrees before meridian

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:33 pm
by admin

the first thing to check is that you are using the latest SharpCap 4.1 beta and not SharpCap 4.0. I have definitely made improvements to the detection of the meridian in 4.1, so the code in 4.0 may be incorrect.

In 4.1 it looks at the hour angle of the mount, so if you select 5 degrees before the meridian, it should try to stop when the hour angle reaches 355 degrees (or 23h40 in hours). Note that it will actually stop at the next 'interruption point' after the critical threshold is passed. An interruption point is the beginning of a new sequencer step or between frames when capturing still frames via the sequencer (and a few other points too).

As to the sync, I know that mounts can have issues with sync when the current position is on one side of the meridian and the sync position is on the other - generally they will either reject the sync or 'do weird stuff'. Could that have been the issue?



Re: X degrees before meridian

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:08 pm
by DirtyRod
If SC does not require a sync to the mount then I don't think it was the issue. Just in case the mount and SC were not "in sync", I started tested by started the sequence on a target that was well past the meridian and I also tried 1,5, 10, etc degrees before the meridian in case they were off a couple of degrees. I'm also planning to wait 5 mins or so before I execute the flip as a buffer in case the mount doesn't think it has crossed the meridian.

It was version 4.0. I didn't see anything in the beta notes that looked like it was relevant, and I didn't want to change the software version while I was working on the script. I will do that on my next session. Might be a few weeks since I just set up for a 20+ hour project but I will see how it goes and report back.