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Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 11:30 am
by michastro
I would like to know if it's possible to force the timestamp in the picture with a python script? My goal is to use NINA software to manage rmy remote observatory in Chile, to point the correct field ..etc and then launch automaticly Sharpcap with a pytrhon scrip to take a sequence. I make video of occultation by asteroids, and Sharpcap is perfect, but to "prepare" the field I use Nina, and also sometime with my work and lag between France and Chile, I can't be on my computer during the occultation. With all these things made automaticly, it will be perfect.
Thanks for your help

Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 12:43 pm
by admin
Hi Michel,

yes, if you are looking to add the timestamp overlay into the top left of each frame then you can turn that on via scripting. Once the camera is open, run this line

Code: Select all

SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.FindByName("Timestamp Frames").Value = "On"
Hope this helps,


Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:17 pm
by michastro
OK, wonderfull. Where can I have the list of the command for FindByName? My SharpCap version is in french, can I use french command??

Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:38 pm
by admin
Hi Michel,

easiest through the python scripting

Code: Select all

for x in SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls:
 	print (x.Name)
You can also print the DisplayName of the control, which I think will give the French translation.



Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 7:55 pm
by michastro
Whaouh, exactly what I want to do buit for instance it doesn't work.
I have a script:
SharpCap.SelectedCamera = SharpCap.Cameras[0]
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.FindByName("Images d'horodatage").Value = "On"
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.FindByName("Zone de capture").Value = "480x480"
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.FindByName("Mode haute vitesse").Value="Off"
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.FindByName("Espace colorimétrique").Value="MONO16"

and I have a .bat file with:
"C:\Program Files\SharpCap 4.0 (64 bit)\SharpCap.exe" /runscript "C:\Users\PC T520 CHILI\Documents\Sharpcap\"
SharpCap start that's all, the camera is not connected and I have of course no exposure!! If I launch the script inside SharpCap, it's working.
A last thing, I don't know how to program the total time of exposure, for an occultation it's about 120s to be sure to get it.

Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 9:55 pm
by admin
Hi Michel,

looks like the startup script running from the command line is broken - I will fix it in the next SharpCap 4.1 beta.

To set up a 120s capture, you do

Code: Select all

from SharpCap.UI import CaptureLimitType
from System import TimeSpan
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.CaptureConfig.CaptureLimitType = CaptureLimitType.TimeLimited
SharpCap.SelectedCamera.CaptureConfig.CaptureLimitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)
That sort of thing is actually easier using the sequencer rather than scripting - you can set up a sequence and run it from scripting if you want

Code: Select all

SharpCap.Sequencer.RunSequenceFile("path to saved sequence.scs")


Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 10:00 am
by michastro
Ok thank you Robin, I am waiting for the next beta. A last thing, as after the occultation I will return to NINA, I need to disconnect the camera in the script, I am not sure how to do that. For your information I have made several positive occultations with Sharpcap and it's a real pleasure.
Best Regards

Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 10:23 am
by michastro
Hi again,
I have download too the 3.2 version, and simplified my .bat file:
cd "C:\Program Files\SharpCap 3.2 (64 bit)"
SharpCap.exe /runscript C:\

but the problem is still there, I have tried also with version 4.0:
cd "C:\Program Files\SharpCap 4.0 (64 bit)"
SharpCap.exe /runscript C:\

But it seems in fact that the script is not launched !!

Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 1:20 pm
by admin
Hi Michel,

yes, it looks like the bug has been there a long time. The command line parameter is correctly processed and the file is added to a list of files to be run at startup. However, the actual code cannot be started until a few other things have been set up, and by then the list of files has been reset to only those in the 'Startup scripts' settings :(

New version of 4.1 will be available next Monday with the fix in it (which I have tested and it is working).



Re: Insert timestamp with a python script

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 6:13 pm
by michastro
A last question, before to give again the control to NINA, I need to disconnect the camera. How can I do that?