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SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:12 pm
by abillionnewstars
I did a first try with EAA last night. SC refused to see PHD2 guiding in the background. SC kept refusing the frames stating PHD2 was not guiding but kept telling me PHD2 was guiding. It is only after SC initiated a dither that it finally acknowledged PHD2 was guiding. Phd2 Server was enabled since the start. What am I missing?

thnak you

Re: SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:50 pm
by admin

I would need to see the SharpCap log from your session to dig into this in detail - that records the messages received from PHD2, so I could track down what was going on.

PS - are your SharpCap and PHD2 both right up-to-date?



Re: SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:27 pm
by abillionnewstars
Here are the logs.
SC started working well at 18:33.

Thank you.

Re: SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:10 pm
by admin

yes, something a bit odd going on there - the correct messages seem to be coming from PHD2 and SharpCap is interpreting them correctly to set the internal guide/settling states as they should be. However it is still skipping frames. I could understand if it just skipped the first frame after connection, since part of that frame would have been captured before PHD2 connected and so SharpCap would be unsure if guiding was active all the time, but it looks like more than that.

I will have a dig into how this could happen, although I should point out that the handling for this has been largely rewritten in SharpCap 4.1, so any fix in SharpCap 4.0 would need to be fairly easy to find and also an obvious bug rather than a subtle edge case.



Re: SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:43 pm
by abillionnewstars
Thank you for this.
I thought I had the latest version of SC. I am not near the imaging computer now so can't check. Does the log say 4 or 4.1?

Re: SC would not see PHD2 guiding

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:11 pm
by admin

you were on SharpCap 4.0.8973, which is actually quite a long way out-of-date even for SharpCap 4.0. I would suggest the first thing to try would be to update to the very lastest SharpCap 4.0 (4.0.9481) and see if that helps.

SharpCap 4.1 is stll in beta testing, so you may not want to jump over to that just yet.

