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ROI unstable

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:02 pm
by RavensNest
I am not sure of all the technical jargon but the issue seems that the ROI has started to fluctuate within the frame size. This started happening a couple of nights ago with my ASI533MC Pro camera. I thought maybe it was a glitch with the camera so I switched to my ASI678MC and all seemed to work fine. Crap! The camera has to go back for warranty service. It did it again last night after a new sensor analysis. I plugged in the Celestron Neximage 5 that has been kicking around on the bench for a few years and it started acting the same way which now led me believe a software glitch or setting that I had inadvertently messed up. I gave up for the night - or so I thought. After covering up the scope and going inside (where it was MUCH warmer) I thought why not try the old computer? All the astronomy software is leaded so back out I went. Every camera worked perfectly - too bad the old computer only has a USB2 so it was slow to load videos and then ran out of storage. Anyway, long story but it appears that it may be time to reload the software. Running the latest pro version of Sharpcap. Any ideas wat happened? Below is one frame.


Re: ROI unstable

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:20 pm
by admin

have you turned on the planetary image stabilization setting in the controls on the right and then forgotten about it? This setting will try to place the brightest thing in the image (usually a planet) in the center of the frame by a simple offset of the image downloaded from the camera. See the user manual about a page down from this link :!2!Pre-processing



Re: ROI unstable

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:38 pm
by RavensNest
Well yes it was on. Will try next clear night to see if that clears it up.. Thanks a bunch!!!