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Maximdl time series

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:01 pm
by Douglas

I wonder if anyone has come across this problem, I've searched online and found no references to it, maybe someone can point me to a solution...

I'm loading 200+ files into MaximDL pro 5 for photometric analysis.

They are stacked 60 second images (4 x 15 secs) I've tried stacks of 2 x 30 secs too.

They are dark frame and flat frame calibrated and stacked in Sharpcap

I open all images in Maxim, when selecting the star i get the error message ' Star matching failed for at least one image. Not all stars were autotagged' Meaning it only recognised the star first image.

I've tried selecting other stars, same message. The images fits headers only differ from the time the image was taken.

It is strange because there is no obvious reason/difference visually, the images are not noisier or appear badly star trailed, infact the tracking is good

Has anyone any ideas?


Re: Maximdl time series

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:06 pm
by admin
Hi Doug,

I'm afraid I haven't used MaxmDL, but hopefully someone else here on the forums has and will be along sooner or later with some suggestions. If you can find files that *do* work (perhaps non-stacked images) then I would suggest comparing the FITS headers between the working and non-working ones to see if you can spot what headers are different that might be significant.



Re: Maximdl time series

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 4:29 pm
by Douglas
Thanks Robin,

The strange thing is Maxim 'see's' the first image in the run, but can't tag the target star or comps in the rest...
What is really strange is when this began to happen it would tag the first 40 or so images in a run but not the rest, a run being around 3 - 4 hours. Now it will only tag the first... Individual stacked or single images are ok.
I've been using Maxim DL for over 10 years without a hitch.

I'm sure it's something simple and I'll do what you suggest, Thanks's again.
