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Altair 174 m lose connection

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:20 pm
by eosman
Running the latest Sharpcap Pro 4 and the latest ASCOM driver from Altair
I've been having problems with my Altair 174M I use for Solar work
The camera keeps dropping out and 'disconnecting' and dropping frames.. usually connects for 10-12 seconds then loses it, seems to have no problem with the camera running on Altair Capture though strangely
No other camera seems to be effects in this way I've a Player Apollo Max and Altair GPCAM 290M( both Solar work) and a Hypercam 183C and all seems to be running ok and used same USB Cable and socket.. checked all with a different cable and same effect with the 174M
Any help and advice gratefully received
regards Les

Re: Altair 174 m lose connection

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:58 pm
by admin
Hi Les,

try out different values for the 'USB Speed' setting for the camera in SharpCap to see if any of those help stabilize the connection. If you are using the same hardware (USB port, cable, etc) with AltairCapture then it is likely to be a software setting difference causing the problem, and that setting is the most likely culprit.



Re: Altair 174 m lose connection

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:24 pm
by eosman
Thanks Robin I'll give it a try
Its given not trouble in the past with it set on high
regards Les

Re: Altair 174 m lose connection

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 5:58 pm
by eosman
Hi Robin
All seems to be working now for some reason. know more when the UK Weather deems it possible
Nothing changed same usb setting just no drops off's while I was checking it getting 79fps on .ser as usual too
Thanks for the help let you know the progress if it re-occurs
Regards Les