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Tips window

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:21 am
by wsmike

My recommendation is to make the Tips window a little more speedy to use. I still have to learn much about SharpCap, so I don't mind the tips window popping up and producing a random tip. However is there a setting that would allow the user to click anywhere in the main SharpCap window which would then send the Tips window into the background or close it without having to manually locate the close button. It would be sooooo more convenient.

It's a minor request, but a lot of new users might appreciate it.


Re: Tips window

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:28 pm
by admin

the easiest thing here is to be aware that the 'Enter' key on the keyboard is a default sortcut for pressing the 'OK' button on most windows, so all you need to do is press OK to close the window. Actually, what I will do is also make the ESC key a shortcut to close the window (ESC is usually a shortcut to press the Cancel button, but in this case the OK button is all you've got).



PS. If you are typing in a box where pressing enter would move you to the next line then CTRL+Enter will press the OK button.