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Screen flickering on ASI290

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:43 pm
by CityObserver
On Monday night I was using the latest build of 3.1 with the ASI924 Pro camera and everything was working fine.

I then switched the USB3 lead from the ASI294 Pro to an ASI290 mono to change camera.

Instead of the clear image from the 290, the upper half of the image was constant full white, and the lower half had a frequent flicker.

I restarted the software and it did the same thing. I then tried SharpCap v3.0 and the ASI290 worked fine. I closed 3.0 and opened 3.1 and it continued the same half white / flickering error.

Unfortunately, I didn't print out the log since I didn't read the instructions about bug reporting until about a minute ago, apologies.

Re: Screen flickering on ASI290

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:54 am
by admin

I think the best test you can do is to try capturing a video off the 290 camera if you see the issue happen again. If the video is fine then the problem is SharpCap's display flickering. If the video has the flickering in then you have a problem with the hardware or the ZWO SDK.

