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Calibration frames applied to individual raw frames?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:56 am
by Yourjones

I highly appreciate the live stacking function of SC! I have a question concerning to which the dark and flat frames are applied.

1. When I live stack and choose to save each individual raw frame, I see a growing number of frames saved in the target folder on my PC. This allows me to select and stack at a later stage. Are all these raw frames processed with the calibration frames applied, so I don't need to add calibration frames in DSS when running stacking there?

2. I see in the live view my target image getting better and better as more frames are taken and stacked. Is this live view also calibrated with the calibration files?

Thanks a lot!


Re: Calibration frames applied to individual raw frames?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:49 pm
by admin

The saved raw frames are *NOT* calibrated with the dark/flat files that you have selected in SharpCap. This is to allow you to perform full processing on those frames later if you want

The improving image shown by SharpCap *is* calibrated with the dark flat files. In fact what happens is this...

* Frame captured from the camera
* RAW frame saved without calibration
* Dark/Flat calibration applied to the frame by SharpCap to create a single calibrated frame (this is not saved anywhere)
* Calibrated frame is aligned with the existing stack and then added to the stack
* The gradually improving stacked image is shown on screen

(repeated many times)

Hope this helps,


Re: Calibration frames applied to individual raw frames?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:28 pm
by Yourjones
Thanks Robin

It's very helpful to know. I understand I should locate the calibration files in my folders and use them when processing my individual raw frames in PIPP, or when stacking in DSS.

Best regards
