Mallincam DS10c: Direct Show and ASCOM

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Mallincam DS10c: Direct Show and ASCOM


Post by hankfridell »

I have been using SharpCap for a year now with my Mallincam DS10c. Initially I used Direct Show and not ASCOM. I was able to use the image controls, such as gamma and brightness, but the plate solving features that SharpCap has with ASCOM were not available. If I use just ASCOM with the Mallincam camera, I lose the image controls but the plate solving controls work.

I have been experimenting, having both Direct Show and ASCOM installed and have had some success. Last night with my first image I was able to use both the image controls and plate solving. On the 2nd image, I successfully took a photo with the camera, closed Live Stack and started to move to another target, when SharpCap opened a dialog box that said, “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” SharpCap would then close. I could reopen SharpCap and use both the image controls and plate solving, but then after closing Live Stack it would close with the same dialog box and message. This pattern continues.

Do you have any idea how I might avoid SharpCap closing? What is the conflict that is mentioned in the dialog box?

Thanks. -Hank
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Re: Mallincam DS10c: Direct Show and ASCOM


Post by admin »


the normal technique is to use ASCOM for deep sky and DirectShow for things like planetary, solar or lunar that need high frame rates. You don't really need to play with gamma etc for deep sky or EAA imaging, so you should be able to image without it.

Plate solving should work in both modes, but it depends on stars being detected, so make sure you can see stars on screen without needing to apply any image stretch - this can involve turning up exposure and/or gain.

Difficult to advise on the error without seeing the full log or a bug report from it (I am away at the moment, so cannot access the bug report uploads).
If you are using SC 3.2, please try the latest SC4.0 as it has lots of bug fixes in it and also will allow you to upload bug reports that I will see and try to investigate. Alternatively, post a SharpCap log here (captured after the error has occurred) - again, please use SC 4.0 as I am no longer fixing issues in 3.2


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