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Information about Sensor Analysis

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:18 pm
by fantalorenzo
Good morning,
I’m a new user to Sharpcap 4.0 and I have just bought the Pro licence.
I read the rich (and beautiful) manual and I have a question about Sensor Analysis.
I have a QHY 462C and a ZWO 294Mc Pro.
Until now, I tried to connect only the QHY 462C, so now I’m asking for this camera.
In the manual there is a full description on the process about how to complete the Sensor
Analysis, and a picture of the primary results of the measurement process (page 191 of 311).
The result shows many data of the camera: e/ADU, Read Noise, Full Well, rel. Gain,
Dynamic Range (stops) that, for what I understand, they are useful for the Smart Histogram
Brain tool.
In the Smart Histogram section of the manual, it’s written (page 137 of 311) that Sharpcap
has sensor data of over 150 popular cameras, so the Smart Histogram should work even
without a previous Sensor Analysys.
I tried to go first to the Smart Histogram Brain section, and I found out in the ‘sensor data’
tab, a graph. I still did not perform the Sensor Analysis. Probably my 462C it’s already in the
database of Sharpcap 4.0, I think, as those values seems of the 462c.
If what I wrote until now makes sense, I have the following questions:
1) Should I perform a Sensor Analysis anyway? Because I don’t see anywhere the other
informations of the sensor (full well, dynamic range and so on) showed at page 191. Or
maybe they are present but just not visible?
2) Assuming that all the complete data are already fully present for my sensors, is it always
suggested to perform the Sensor Analysis or not?
If I should get the same data already there in Sharpcap and nothing more, maybe I can
skip it?
I’m also sorry to overwrite some preset data of Sharpcap that I can’t get back (or is it
possible to ‘reset’ the Sharpcap sensor database?).
But, if doing the Sensor Analysis, I can get better and deeper information about the sensor,
then I will do.
Thank you in advance.

Re: Information about Sensor Analysis

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:54 pm
by admin

if SharpCap already has data for your camera then there is no need to run the analysis yourself (all the data is there, it's just that only the key values are shown in the graph in the Smart Histogram 'Brain' window). Of course you can run the analysis if you want , but you will very likely get values that are within a few percent of the ones that are in the pre-installed data.

If you perform the analysis yourself and then want to go back to the pre-installed data, just delete the analysis data file that gets created when you run your analysis. The location of the data files is documented here : ... ta%20Files

