Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000

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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by MMys »

there is only one wrong Colour space - 16-bit.

Do you use the maximum pixel value parameter ? It has index 17 in integer parameter block. You should to use it after any change of camera read mode or binning, it may depend on other parameters (binning for example).


BOOLEAN __cdecl GetIntegerParameter(
CARD_PTR Handle,
Mandatory function.
Function 'GetIntegerParameter' returns integer value depending on the Index parameter. If the
function does not “understand” passed Index, it returns FALSE.
gipCameraId = 0 Identifier of the current camera
gipChipWidth = 1 Sensor width in pixels
gipChipDepth = 2 Sensor depth in pixels
gipPixelWidth = 3 Sensor pixel width in nanometers
gipPixelDepth = 4 Sensor pixel depth in nanometers
gipMaxBinningX = 5 Maximum binning in horizontal direction
gipMaxBinningY = 6 Maximum binning in vertical direction
gipReadModes = 7 Number of read modes offered by the camera
gipFilters = 8 Number of filters offered by the camera
gipMinimalExposure = 9 Shortest exposure time in microseconds (ms)
gipMaximalExposure = 10 Longest exposure time in milliseconds (ms)
gipMaximalMoveTime = 11 Longest time to move the telescope in milliseconds (ms)
gipDefaultReadMode = 12 Read mode to be used as default
gipPreviewReadMode = 13 Read mode to be used for preview (fast read)
gipMaxWindowHeating = 14 Maximal value for 'SetWindowHeating' call
gipMaxFan = 15 Maximal value for 'SetFan' call
gipMaxGain = 16 Maximum value for 'SetGain' call
gipMaxPossiblePixelValue = 17 Maximum value of (saturated) pixel
Note the value may vary with read mode and binning, read
only after 'SetReadMode' and 'SetBinning' calls.
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by admin »


no, I am not using that parameter, but I can add code for that. For all the cameras I have tested so far, the bit depth was reported correctly so that the maximum pixel value was 2^(bit depth) - 1


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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by s2a »

Hi all,

I also have a problem with the C1x61000 PRO.

I tried today to get one of the new C1x61000 PRO (the new version with GPS) working together with SharpCap. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work. I always get the following error message when starting the camera:

error.JPG (67.3 KiB) Viewed 74236 times

The SharpCap version is 4.0.9556.0.

The camera is being used via the native driver, not ASCOM.
Does anyone have an idea what I can do about this?

I hope it's ok if I ask the question in this thread. If not I will be happy to open a new one.

Best regards,
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by admin »

Hi Roger,

that's annoying - it means that the camera is failing to report the minimum exposure that it can support :(

I can substitute a default, but I cannot see any online specification of what values should be supported by that camera, so it will have to be a guess. Probably 1ms is a safe bet...

I have a horrible feeling that if I just fix that the camera will also give an error reporting the maximum exposure, so I will set a default there too...


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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by s2a »

Hi Robin,
Thank you very much! I'll ask Moravian about this. If I know anything new, I will report.
Best regards,
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by admin »


I have put in some code to try to work around the missing minimum/maximum exposure information. Please try 4.1.10652 when you get a chance.


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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by MMys »

the error is probably cased using old dll library from Moravian SDK. I have the same problem when downloaded SharpCap 4.0 on clear PC, until placed latest SDK dll library into SharpCap folder. Robin probably forget to include proper dll in latest stable version 4.0. The error with missing min. exposure reporting is repaired many month ago in the library. The latest one is included in SharpCap 4.1 beta, as Robin wrote. SharpCap 4.0 also works, if you download latest SDK directly from manufacturer web. But 4.1 beta is better. There is supported filter wheel also natively, not through ASCOM only.

Also, update camera firmware to the latest version. There are some minor bugfixes in it. My piece of C3-61k works in SharpCap fine now.

Btw, there is yet better firmware in development, almost done and will be released within few days I think. It will reasonably speed-up the fps in these large cameras, by using SDRAM buffer.
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by MMys »

Robin, the SDK was improved and C3-61k and 26k cameras started to work at Sep 14, 2021. At this date, the the error with missing minimum exp. time was solved. But now, when I download installation of SharpCap 4.0, the error is back. Probably you have an very old SDK dll in this distribution by an mistake.
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by s2a »


Thank you very much! I have downloaded the version and tested it. Now the following error message appears.

error.png (80.74 KiB) Viewed 74188 times

But the hint from MMys helped. In the system directory of SharpCap was still the cXusb.dll version I replaced it with the new V from the SDK of Moravian, now the camera works.

Thank you MMys!

Robin, one last question: Is it possible to read out the camera GPS time and get it into the FITS header, like on the QHY 600?
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Re: Moravian Instruments C1x/C3-61000 and 26000


Post by admin »


ok, so that's not bad then - aside from me being a bit behind on the SDK updates, it's pretty much working now :)

I have downloaded the latest SDK and that will be in the next SharpCap 4.1 update. I am doing SharpCap 4.0 updates less frequently now, but I do them every 4 to 6 weeks to bring new SDK files in from various manufacturers, so the new SDK will also end up in the next one of those updates.

I will look at the GPS data when I have some time. I did just check the documentation and it looks fairly simple to do (hopefully!)


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