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Location of SensorAnalysis data

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:34 am
by HajoKt
I've been performing a sensor analysis on my desktop computer. I need to transfer the results to my imaging notebook. I had a look at the SensorLibrary directory. But all the files appear to be unchanged. I suppose that ZWO ASI071MC-Cool~RAW16 should have been updated. But maybe I'm wrong. Can someone please give me a hint, were to look for this file.
Kind regards

Re: Location of SensorAnalysis data

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:51 pm
by admin

Sensor analysis data for your own personal measurements are stored in

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Usually this works out to be something like

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C:\Users\<your windows login name>\AppData\Roaming\SharpCap\SensorCharacteristics
Just copy the file to the same folder location on the other computer.

