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Calculating Dithering in New Sequencer Sharpcap 4

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:08 pm
by Desbarry
Sorry for my apparent stupidity. Say your brain/smart histogram calculates an exposure of 2min 30 seconds and 40 exposures based on your inputted preferences. If you want to dither every third frame, what should your dither setting be? Am I being really dumb here? Should the interval always be MORER than your exposure time or if you want to dither every THIRD frame how do you arrive at the dither time?

Hopefully my brain storm will clear soon much appreciated Derek

Re: Calculating Dithering in New Sequencer Sharpcap 4

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:09 pm
by chongo228
In your example each frame will be 150 seconds and three frames will take 450 seconds. Set your dither timer to run out during the third frame and it will dither when that frame is completed. So a dither timer of 301 to 449 seconds would work.

Re: Calculating Dithering in New Sequencer Sharpcap 4

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:02 am
by Desbarry
Chonga if im correct a 2 min exposure dithering every third frame, i would set the dither to anything below 359 until l241
thanks again Derek

Re: Calculating Dithering in New Sequencer Sharpcap 4

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:04 pm
by admin

yes, that's correct - any time that will run out during the third frame (in this example) will get what you want. I *do* have dithering every N frames on my to-do list and will get round to it...



Re: Calculating Dithering in New Sequencer Sharpcap 4

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:27 pm
by Desbarry
Yes Robin, dithering is really what I would use the sequencer's main function for as I tend to manually do a smart brain sky measurement and transfer these to the camera settings check my guiding THEN jit CAPTURE. I have a osc ZWO533 and an Altair 183 osc as I dont have the climate for electronic focus wheels filters and lrgb etc so just need a good dithering functionality. Thanks again Derek