error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M

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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by gladstone1969 »


My screen is the same as yours (see below).
I also looked into the custom video mode (also below).
Under the Mode pull-down menu on this screen modes 0, 1, and 5 are available, but there is not a mode 7.


custom mode.JPG
custom mode.JPG (105.37 KiB) Viewed 10524 times
flycapture.JPG (71.46 KiB) Viewed 10524 times
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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by admin »

Ok, that is more like the result from my camera than I expected. In the dropdown where it shows 'Mode0', what are the other options?


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by gladstone1969 »

Mode 0 mode 1 and moved 5 are the only options
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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by admin »

Ok, thanks - at least that confirms that the missing support for mode7 is the issue. Now I have to work out how to control the camera without using mode7 on my camera and then we will be good I think!


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by gladstone1969 »

Thank you very much! I look forward to it.


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by admin »

Hi Brian,

please try the very latest 3.1 build (3.1.4954). I hope it will fix your issue (or at the very least get further!)


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by gladstone1969 »


Wow! That was quick. Thank you. I had been checking (as I am quite excited). I thought I'd be waiting quite a while. I'll give it a go tonight, and let you know how I fare. Talk to you soon


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by gladstone1969 »


The camera does not get recognized now. Here is the log file:

Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: SharpCap Version 3.1.4965.0
Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: GC Memory 85Mb
Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: Process Memory 115Mb
Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: Total Physical Memory 8094Mb
Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: Available Physical Memory 6123Mb
Info: 19:32:49.7636314 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: Operating System : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Debug: 19:32:49.8261340 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm..ctor() :: Started
Info: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type BaslerDeviceEnumerator
Info: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type QHYDeviceEnumerator
Info: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type ASIDeviceEnumerator
Info: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type AltairDeviceEnumerator
Warning: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Could not load capture provider - SharpCap.Cameras.PointGrey.PointGreyDeviceEnumerator - System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'FlyCapture2Managed_v140.dll' or one of its dependencies. is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)
at SharpCap.Cameras.PointGrey.PointGreyDeviceEnumerator..ctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance[T]()
at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider[T]() in C:\Documents\Source Code\SharpCap\src\SharpCap\Models\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 502
Info: 19:32:49.8573848 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type SxDeviceEnumerator
Info: 19:32:49.8730111 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type DS3DeviceEnumerator
Info: 19:32:49.8730111 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.AddProvider() :: Added device enumerator of type AscomDeviceEnumerator

Info: 19:32:50.3417774 Thread:#1 SharpCap.Base.Utilities.Logger.LogStackTrace(LogLevel level, String msg) :: Parent being changed on PreviewPanel
at SharpCap.UI.ScrollZoomForm.OnParentChanged(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug: 19:32:50.3886541 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm..ctor() :: Ended
Debug: 19:32:50.4575435 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCapForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Started
Debug: 19:32:50.4585440 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCapForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Ended
Debug: 19:32:50.4815517 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Started
Info: 19:32:50.8136695 Thread:LogInfo Thread#8 SharpCap.LogSystemInfo.ThreadProc() :: CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz with 8 cores.
Debug: 19:32:52.1951596 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Timebomb checked
Debug: 19:32:52.2031624 Thread:#1 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.BaslerDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices() :: Started
Debug: 19:32:52.2101648 Thread:#1 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.BaslerDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices() :: Ended
Info: 19:32:52.2101648 Thread:#16 SharpCap.Base.SimpleDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText, Func`2 fullNameToDispayName, Func`3 tagCreatorFunc) :: FindCameras - found 0 cameras
Debug: 19:32:52.2111653 Thread:#16 SharpCap.Cameras.Fake.FakeDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices() :: Started
Debug: 19:32:52.2111653 Thread:#16 SharpCap.Cameras.Fake.FakeDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices() :: Ended
Info: 19:32:52.2111653 Thread:#16 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider+<GetDevicesFromEnumerator>d__20.MoveNext() :: Detected Camera: Test Camera 1 (Deep Sky) (Test Cameras)
Info: 19:32:52.2121665 Thread:#16 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider+<GetDevicesFromEnumerator>d__20.MoveNext() :: Detected Camera: Test Camera 2 (High Speed) (Test Cameras)
Info: 19:32:52.2151667 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider+<GetDevicesFromEnumerator>d__20.MoveNext() :: Detected Camera: ASCOM Camera Driver for PGR. (ASCOM Cameras)
Info: 19:32:52.2151667 Thread:#1 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider+<GetDevicesFromEnumerator>d__20.MoveNext() :: Detected Camera: Camera V2 simulator (ASCOM Cameras)
Info: 19:32:52.2301719 Thread:#20 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider+<GetDevicesFromEnumerator>d__20.MoveNext() :: Detected Camera: IMG0H(Native WDM) (DirectShow Cameras via SharpCap Pipeline)
Info: 19:32:52.2851909 Thread:#10 SharpCap.Base.SimpleDeviceEnumerator.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText, Func`2 fullNameToDispayName, Func`3 tagCreatorFunc) :: QHYCameraFinder - found 0 cameras
Debug: 19:32:52.3842267 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Docking setup
Debug: 19:32:52.3842267 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Startup scripts (if any) run
Debug: 19:32:52.3852268 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Menu updated
Debug: 19:32:54.1703711 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Splash and tips done
Debug: 19:32:54.2172498 Thread:#1 SharpCap.UI.SharpCapForm.SharpCap_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e) :: Ended

It looks like the problem may be with the file, FlyCapture2Managed_v140.dll. I looked for it and found it both in my Flycapture program folder and in the Sharpcap folder (although they have different modified dates). I look forward to your thoughts. I did manage to get my first image with stacking after taking the pics.... Pretty mediocre, but it is a start....


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by admin »

Hi Brian,

I updated the version of the Pylon driver I was using in that latest build to (which is the latest) - try downloading and installing the latest Pylon software from Basler and see if that helps.


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Re: error PGR chameleon CMLN-13S2M


Post by admin »

Oops, sorry - getting muddled. I did update the Basler libraries, but that's obviously not relevant to a PGR camera!

I also updated the PGR SDK to - which is relevant - download and install this version from PGR and I think you will be in acion.


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