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Re: Annotation list

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:39 pm
by Xio1996
admin wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:51 pm Hi Jean-Francois,

right now there isn't a way to use scripting or sequencer to paste annotation data or force a reload of custom catalogs - I would have to do some work to clean up the catalog loading code and remove the duplications to make that possible.

Would a reload/refresh call work best? Rather than pasting you could write data to a file in the custom catalogs folder (maybe 'currentroi.csv') and then trigger a reload?


Hi Robin,

The ability to write a DSA catalogue file (such as currentroi.csv) and then via SharpCap scripting loading or refreshing the DSA from that file would be amazing. :D

I use a similar method to plot objects in Stellarium. Only plotting the objects that are in the FOV of the imager in my case. With Stellarium it allows objects to be marked that do not exist in Stellarium's standard or extended database. With SharpCap it would save having to load large catalogue datasets on the first use of DSA. It would also remove that last manual step of pasting the DSA format catalogues into SharpCap :D

Many thanks
