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Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:05 pm
by admin
Hi Steve,

I think I would need to change the code to provide control of the pixel size via the colour space option - so you would have RAW16 (small pixels) and RAW16 (big pixels). Then in both modes you would leave the binning at 1x, but behind the scenes, SharpCap would use 2x for the latter mode.

It all makes sense in theory, but I would need someone willing to do some testing, as I don't have this camera to work with.



Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:29 am
by m32guy
Robin, I'd be happy to help you test if you just let me know the test process.



Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:54 pm
by admin

just to let you know that I have implemented this for the next update of SC 3.3 - There will be a read mode control which allows you to select 47 or 11 megapixel, then the binning will behave 'normally' once the read mode is selected - ie in 47 Mpixel you will have bin 1 and 3 available, in 11 you will have 1 and 2 available.

Hopefully will have this update out at the beginning of next week.



Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:16 pm
by m32guy
Great! Thanks Robin.

Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:55 pm
by admin
Hi Steve,

yep, that's actually in the latest update available for download now - it will be interesting to see if it works.



Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:44 am
by m32guy
I will give the brain a try on the next cloudless night. In the meantime I'll try running a sensor analysis using the new settings. I'm assuming that the graph should look pretty close to the original specs that were published by ZWO before they unlocked 1X1.


Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:57 am
by m32guy
Hi Robin,

Can you confirm if I'm reading this right. I'm trying to mimic the original setup of 4.63um 11MP. To do this I should set the read mode to 11 MP and the binning to 1? Good news is the control popped up and seems to be interacting with the camera.
QuestionsBinning.PNG (42.97 KiB) Viewed 2513 times

Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:35 pm
by admin

yes, I think that's correct. My intention is that the combinations work as follows:

11 Megapixel, bin 1 = old bin 2 4144x2822 image size
11 Megapixel, bin 2 = old bin 4 - 2072 x 1411 image size

47 Megapixel, bin 1 = old bin 1 - full resolution
47 megapixel, bin 3 = old bin 3 - roughly 2760 x 1881 image size



Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:08 am
by m32guy
So went ahead and ran the sensor analysis at 11MP and 1 bin. The data coming back looks like the original curves that ZWO published before unlocking the camera, so far so good. Of course, now looking at clouds/rain for the next 2 weeks so may be a while before I can test the brain out.
Capture11mp1bin.PNG (238.88 KiB) Viewed 2500 times

Re: ZWO ASI294MM Pro SDK Update

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:27 pm
by admin

yes, that looks good.

You should run the analysis also in the 47Mp mode with the new build - that will (should) mean that the brain will pick up the right analysis for the mode you happen to be in at the time (as it will have both on hand). It won't see the analysis of the 47Mp mode you did with the previous version as that analysis has no read mode saved in it.

