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Re: Plate Solving and resync - too many stars

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:11 pm
by admin

no real list - I do know that EQMOD will reject a sync if the offest is too large with a relatively sensible error message ('Sync rejected by mount' or similar).



Re: Plate Solving and resync - too many stars

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:54 pm
by Riiskyyy
I tried using the Plate Solve and Resync again, but this time with a 90 degree search radius. It worked, as it said that it worked sucessfully and moved to some position, but after trying to slew to a real target like Pleiadis it was slewing to the wrong place again. I'll look into it in more detail when I got more time for it, like the RA and DEC data, but I'm wondering what could go wrong after it said that it synced correctly.

Re: Plate Solving and resync - too many stars

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:01 pm
by admin

worth looking in the SharpCap log after the sync is done - SharpCap records the mount co-ordinates before and after the sync. I've seen cases before where the mount seems to accept the sync command (no error is generated), but actually has silently ignored it :(

