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Re: Circular-ish background with live stacking

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:33 pm
by jsadoulet
OK. I understand that this point is difficult to tackle at the time being. But this right strip is a bit cumbersome... I agree it is not a big issue of course !
Thank you

Automatic Background extraction in Live Stacking

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:00 pm
by jsadoulet
Hi Robin
I may be a EAA (Electronically Assisted Astronomy) enthustiast !
I am just wondering if an erzats of Automatic Background Extraction process (ABE) - in the style of the one used by Pixinsight - should not be very useful inside Live Stacking. I am using it very commonly in PI and, frankly, it is very fast. It removes all the unwanted colors. This is a very good way to escape boring flat management. Do you consider this ABE as a potential future development in Sharpcap ?

Re: Circular-ish background with live stacking

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:36 pm
by admin

I do have the idea for some sort of gradient removal tool on the list of possible future features – effectively I was planning to do this by extracting the lowest frequency features of the image and subtracting them away, so it would remove any sort of smooth background rather than just a simple gradient.

No promises on when I'm afraid though!

Cheers, Robin

Re: Circular-ish background with live stacking

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:02 am
by umasscrew39
Hi Jean-Paul

Before Hurricane Dorian hit Florida, I managed to get more testing in about the circular-is background from live stacks exported to PI. I confirmed what you found in that loading the 32-bits stacks instead of the 16-bits frames in PI do not create the background circles. So, while I do not understand what causes this effect, it is apparent from both of our experiences that it is easily avoided by just using the 32-bit stacks.
