The only way to connect and control Lumix cameras is over Wi-Fi, which the driver implements.
The camera connects correctly, I'm able to take snapshots as you would expect from a DSLR Camera, but Sharpcap seems to be translating the pixel values incorrectly :The driver allows to set the speed, iso and format of the camera transfers the image (Raw or JPG) on the PC and exposes the image array in RGB to the calling program. This will create a 16bit image regardless of what the transfer format was. [...]
It relies on LibRaw to handle the Raw format, or the native VB.NET imaging for JPG Images are then translated into Tiff and then passed to the image array.

I have a feeling that the ASCOM driver is passing RGB arrays to Sharpcap which expects something different (the ImageArray function of the driver).
I've checked the input files (both RW2 and tif) and tried to use it with NINA but it seems like everything is working correctly.
I've attached both ASCOM and Sharpcap's log files, I still have the input files (both .RW2 and .fit), however I can't attach them due to the size limits.
I'd like to know if there's anything I can do on sharpcap's side to make the 2 things work together or if I'd have to modify the ASCOM driver. In the latter case, what format does sharpcap expect to receive ?
Any help is welcome !
Best regards