Square planet

Discussions of using SharpCap for Planetary Imaging
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Square planet


Post by Primaryroo »

Being very new to Sharpcap,, I tried to image a planet last night and although through the ASI camera app the planet came out perfect, through sharpcap it was a square with all I can likeness to is diffraction spikes, any ideas why I'm being a square instead of a round planet ?
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Re: Square planet


Post by admin »


if you have been using SharpCap before then it may have remembered and re-applied the camera settings that you used previously, which might not be appropriate for imaging a planet. From your description, it sounds as if the planet was badly over-exposed, making diffraction spikes visible and making a mess of the shape.

Try opening the camera with the <CTRL> key held down to avoid reloading any previously saved camera setting adjustments, then if the camera is still too bright/overexposed, gradually turn down the exposure until it is a reasonable brightness.


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