Saving image with annotations

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Saving image with annotations


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

It is possible to save a LiveStack image from here "SharpCap.LiveStacking.SaveFrame" or "xxx.SaveFrameAsSeen" or "xxx.SaveImageWithDisplayStretch".
But, I wish to save an image (ideally after a LiveStack) with the deep sky annotation enabled.

I search in "", but I did not find a "save image" function.

Is it possible now ? If not, can you add a "SaveImageWithAnnotations" function ?

In addition ... is it possible to perform a LiveStack in background without showing the Live Stacking window ?

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Re: Saving image with annotations


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

I will have a look - doesn't sound like it should be too complicated.


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Re: Saving image with annotations


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,


I did yesterday an occultation and during the countdown of my capture script, I performed a Live Stack for generating the image of the field.
I had a problem ... at the end of 1 minute of stacking, the live stack image was saved correctly ... but the camera image frozen.
It was only reactivated after a close/start of SharpCap. It was only few minutes before the start of the capture.
It was not a problem with my "super" occultation script :-) But it was annoying to restart SharpCap.
I will have a look during the weekend, if I can reproduce the problem.

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Re: Saving image with annotations


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

my 'educated guess' based on the camera image freezing and needing a restart would be that something in the camera SDK glitched (or hit a bug). There are various bits of code in SharpCap that try to deal with this sort of issue (different approaches for different camera SDKs) by trying to do things like close/reopen the camera or reset things, but they don't always work. An approach that might just help without restarting SharpCap is to unplug/replug the camera - SharpCap can often detect a disconnect and following reconnect and then re-activate the camera seamlessly. It's never going to be 100%, but it can work and be useful in avoiding problems due to glitched USB connections. An unplug/replug might just prompt the camera SDK to reset whatever part has gone wrong.


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