Pointing with Star name and ser filename

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Pointing with Star name and ser filename


Post by astrocalina »

I have question about the sequencer:
is it possibile to use a star name as a star target? Of course just only stars on your catalog (i.e Wega, Aldebaran and so on)

Other question:
is it possibile to insert the SER filename on the sequencer file without asking it evertime?

Thank you
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Re: Pointing with Star name and ser filename


Post by admin »


the filename that gets created can take the name of the target from the 'Target Name' box in the toolbar at the top of the SharpCap window. As well as setting this name manually, you can set it when you use the GOTO Target tool and also via the sequencer.

Using the advanced sequence editor, you have two useful blocks:

* Set Imaging Target name to <...>
* Prompt to enter a target name

it sounds like you are currently using the second option and being prompted - switching to the first option will let you put the target name into the sequence itself, and perhaps have the target name get changed automatically as the sequence moves between targets.

Additionally, there is a 'Repeat for each RA/Dec co-ordinate in <...>' which reads a list of target RA/Dec co-ordinates from a file and runs the enclosed sequencer steps for each co-ordinate. The file can either be in the form


on each line, or it can take the form

Targetname, RA, Dec

on each line - in the second form, the imaging target name will be set from the target names in the file for each time through the loop.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Pointing with Star name and ser filename


Post by astrocalina »

maybe my question was not clear...sorry.

I have created a SCS file with a sequence and I need to add those to points on my file:

first point: if I need as target star present in your catalog and I don't want to use the coordinates but the star name is it possibile?

second point (that is not connected with the first one): is it possible to add the SER file name on my SCS file?

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Re: Pointing with Star name and ser filename


Post by admin »


ah, OK...

You cannot specify the SER file name exactly - SharpCap will generate names for SER files based on the options selected in the 'Filenames' tab of the sharpcap settings window. The sequencer cannot override these settings, but can influence them by setting the target name option and potentially other things that go into the filename generation. You can also use a step in your SCS file that will organize all the captures from the one SCS run into a folder rather than allowing them to be spread out in various folders.

Unfortunately there isn't the option to do the other thing - while you can make the SCS prompt for a target (and the user can select a star or other target from the list), there isn't a way to pick a target from that list without prompting, sorry.

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