Sync & ReCenter

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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by kaymann »

admin wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 2:35 pm Hi,
Out of interest, if you use SharpCap to GOTO the same target repeatedly (without plate solve), does the mount keep going to the same set of wrong co-ordinates, or do you get a different wrong set each time, or does it even manage to get the co-ordinates right at the second or third try?


The Starizona team led by Dean (these people are amazing and customer service is their creed) did the following
1) Removed nearly all traces of backlash
2) Replaced some bad bolts
3) Repaired a loose power socket
4) Reinstalled/Upgraded all firmware (Handset & both motor controllers)
5) Gave excellent instructions on how to carry transport a heavy mount like the CGEM DX

I then got setup for a night of trial runs:
1) Level and perfect balance
2) PoleMaster Polar Alignment (PM PA does not include refraction adjustment) *This becomes important later...
3) 2 star alignment with hand controller
4) 3 star calibration with hand controller
5) GoTo with Cartes du Ciel (no sync or recenter) very small error
6) Goto with SharpCap (no sync or recenter) larger error see below:
Screenshot 2024-05-26 220508.jpg
7) Repeated GoTo with SC (no sync or recenter) with same larger error that did not get bigger
8) GoTo with CdC then manual recenter (using SC mount movement buttons, then CdC sync
9) Continued GoTo with CdC nearly perfect every time
10) GoTo, Recenter & Resync with SC - largest error yet (the whole double thing probably)
11) Step 10 above repeated several times, nets the same result
12) New Polar Alignment using SC tool. I had PM monitoring in the background - PM said all good. SC said fair. The Difference could be refraction difference maybe...
13) I got SC PA down to 02" in both axis (this included the refraction that PM does not)
14) GoTo, Recenter & Resync with SC - closest centering yet! As good as one could ask for.
15) GoTo with Cartes du Ciel (no sync or recenter) again smallest error possible! As good as one could ask for.

1) PM mounting bracket out of alignment or PM camera tilt or just shelve the PM.
2) CGEM DX adds cone error adjustment when doing the star calibration. However, if my PM PA was in error the cone adjustment could be in error also, implying I will have to SC PA then go back and do a CGEM DX star calibration to get that straightened out. I ran out of gas at 02:00 in the morning so maybe tonight...
4) I will experiment with removing the cone error and setting it to Zero to see if plate solving produces a cone error entry in hand controller...
3) SC assumes refraction adjustments need to be made and if PA is not refraction adjusted -small explosion :lol: Just guessing here.

1) Starizona is the best, fantastic customer service and pricing.
2) Dr Glover is the best, helping me with a problem he did not create.
3) SC PA is the way to go!
  • SC PA with mount shut down
  • SC GoTo with Recenter & Resync
  • Kickback and enjoy some awesome EEA/AP
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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by admin »


good to hear that you have had such good service from Starizona (always good to find businesses that are really there to help their customers). Also that the results are improving too!

Interesting about the cone error correction... We have observed that the mount is trying to move to a different set of co-ordinates than the requested ones - could that be the mount trying to correct for cone error, but doing it in a way that is visible to applications like SharpCap, rather than hidden behind the scenes in the mount firmware? That might be an explanation for the whole wrong co-ordinates thing.

One thing that might be worth trying is the very latest SharpCap (uploaded yesterday). I changed the way that the GOTO target tool works so that it will avoid the doubling of error by making the second GOTO use the initial co-ordinates selected, not those read back from the mount, providing a partial workaround for whatever weirdness the mount may still be exhibiting. Note that this will only apply to

* The GOTO catalog target/co-ordinates tool - not the 'plate solve and resync' from the menu or mount control panel
* If the plate solving option in SharpCap is set to 'Sync mount and recenter target'.


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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by kaymann »

admin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 1:00 pm Hi,

good to hear that you have had such good service from Starizona (always good to find businesses that are really there to help their customers). Also that the results are improving too!

Interesting about the cone error correction... We have observed that the mount is trying to move to a different set of co-ordinates than the requested ones - could that be the mount trying to correct for cone error, but doing it in a way that is visible to applications like SharpCap, rather than hidden behind the scenes in the mount firmware? That might be an explanation for the whole wrong co-ordinates thing.

One thing that might be worth trying is the very latest SharpCap (uploaded yesterday). I changed the way that the GOTO target tool works so that it will avoid the doubling of error by making the second GOTO use the initial co-ordinates selected, not those read back from the mount, providing a partial workaround for whatever weirdness the mount may still be exhibiting. Note that this will only apply to

* The GOTO catalog target/co-ordinates tool - not the 'plate solve and resync' from the menu or mount control panel
* If the plate solving option in SharpCap is set to 'Sync mount and recenter target'.


It all makes sense. I have already erased the cone error to see it makes any difference tonight... I will definitely install your latest SC today. I also reset the calibration in case any of it was based on cone error. So basically I am defaulting the scope again and SC Polar Aligning then going straight to SC GoTo, Center and resync. We shall see.
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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by kaymann »

20240529 I did a SC PA to score an "Excellent. I then had no choice but to do a two star alignment. But I did not do any star calibrations. I double checked and Cone Error was set to Zero and DE & RA adjustments were also still zeroed out.

I then did a SC GoTo from catalog with plate solve only and got a nearly perfect target - Success number one!
I then did a SC GoTo from catalog with plate solve, Plate solve recenter and got a nearly perfect target - Success number two!

I then had a great night of EAA - Success number three.

It appears bad PoleMaster PA being calculated and entered as cone error by the mount.

Thank you for all your assistance Dr Glover with a problem your software did not create.
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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by admin »


no problem, we have learnt a lot along the way, and if the problem crops up again for someone else, I should hopefully recognize the symptoms!

cheers, and clear skies!

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Re: Sync & ReCenter


Post by kaymann »

As a final update...

1) I now use SC PA with my Pole master installed in the normal fashion. However I connect to it as a camera only so I can use your SC PA which is a) simpler b) more much more accurate than PoleMaster Software/Procedure. I could not be happier PoleMaster as a permanent always focused and perfect FL camera for SC PA.

2) I use SC Go To feature to Plate Solve and sync and I am averaging nearly .01 error (nearly as perfect as you can get and good enough for finding a planet).

3) Finally switched to a new power supply from Starizona and firmware is stable and as well as the mount.

4) Placed Askar Guide Scope on a tripod leveler for absolutely perfect micro-alignment necessary for planetary finding/centering/mount syncing.

5) It really doesn't get any better than SC, PM, Guide Leveler, oh and flats that actually work and no darks...
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