Configurable Status Bar

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Configurable Status Bar


Post by mikenoname »

I run SharpCap 4.1 on an older laptop that runs it just fine, except for one issue. The relatively small screen sometimes can limit my ability to see the frame progress because the status bar is filled with information that is useless to me. As an EAA guy, I don't care about frames captured and dropped, duration, capture speed, memory, disk space, GPU, etc. The only things I care about are cooler status and frame progress, and these things are the first to get obscured when the SC window gets smaller.

My suggestion: Could we have a section in the Settings with a checkbox list of what we want displayed in the status bar? That way only the stuff we want to see gets displayed in bar?

Maybe that might even allow more options to be available that can't be there now because there isn't enough room.

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Re: Configurable Status Bar


Post by admin »

Hi Mike,

out of interest, can you let me know the screen resolution you are using and the 'font scaling' that you have set up in windows (this would usually be 100% except on 4K monitors, although some people increase it for improved legibility of text). My aim is for most things to work nicely on 1280 wide screens at 100% scaling, but since I usually work myself on a 1920 wide screen, sometimes things get messed up in 1280 without me noticing.


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Re: Configurable Status Bar


Post by mikenoname »


I'm not sure exactly what my screen resolution is set at, but the images I posted in my 'Noise Being Introduced in Live Stack' bug report thread show you the full screen resolution of the SharpCap window. When full screen, the SC window is fine, but when I need to shrink it down to see other windows in the background, I start losing important information, like the cooler window, stacked/ignored window and frame progress. Oh, and my font scaling is set at the default which I assume is 100% because I don't mess with it.
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Re: Configurable Status Bar


Post by admin »


OK, thanks - that makes sense now.


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