Abell 79 / PN G102.9-02.3 planetary nebula in HOO

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Abell 79 / PN G102.9-02.3 planetary nebula in HOO


Post by Menno555 »

Abell 79 (PN A66 79, PN G102.9-02.3, PK 102-2.1) is a planetary nebula in Lacerta.
I captured it first 4 years ago with a planetary camera but I've learned a lot since then, both with capturing and processing.
And this object was the start of my love for the smal(ler), unknown objects :D

They are not sure if it is a planetary nebula or a supernova remnant. This also because the center star (mag17) is a cool dwarf which has not enough energy to "feed" the nebula. So they suspect that there is a undiscovered hot companion.
It has an apparent size of 2' x 1.5' and has a surface magnitude of around 16. The distance is also not exactly known. I did find 3300, 4200 or 4800 light years.

Abell 79-PN G102.9-02.3.jpg
Abell 79-PN G102.9-02.3.jpg (885.75 KiB) Viewed 1217 times

Bortle 6/7
Meade LX200 8" f/10 ACF OTA
Ioptron CEM25EC mount (no guiding)
Optolong L-eXtreme filter
Zwo ASI071MC Pro camera

Captured with SharpCap Pro
42 x 300sec / Gain 90 / Offset 4 / White balance R50 / B50
Dark and (dark)flat frames.

Stacked with SirilC (organizer software for SiriL)
Extracted Ha and OIII stacks.

Processed in SiriL and Photoshop
SiriL: background extraction, star de-saturation and stretching of the Ha and OIII stacks.
Photoshop: placed Ha in the Red Channel and OIII in the Green and Blue channels
Used StarXterminator and NoiseXterminator and Camera RAW Filter.
Crop only.
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Re: Abell 79 / PN G102.9-02.3 planetary nebula in HOO


Post by nexusjeep »

Nice image thanks for all the info as well, with this hobby I think we are always learning as there is always a new process, new software, new kit to entice us.

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Re: Abell 79 / PN G102.9-02.3 planetary nebula in HOO


Post by Menno555 »

Thanks Nick :)
And indeed, it's learning over the years. But for me also trying new things, be it in the kind of of object or trying other settings. Experimenting :D

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Re: Abell 79 / PN G102.9-02.3 planetary nebula in HOO


Post by timh »

Interesting object Menno! If it is a planetary it's unusual - I think - because OIII is normally the dominant emission near hot white dwarf stars and this one is mainly red?
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