Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle

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Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »

Hi Robin,

I have a strange issue since several version : it seems when you do goto an catalog object, from time to time the process remain stuck in the step 4 (I think) goto RA position : wairing to settle ...
Capture d'écran 2024-10-31 223210.png
I have phd2 activated.
The process stay in that status forever and I have to close the window and restart the goto to have the mount moving again. This occure with Zwo AM5 and now with my new mount that is a WD-20 working with ascom and onestep driver. Also sometime the mount does not move a all when doing goto (don't know if it is SC or the driver for that issue ? )

Kind regards
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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by admin »


that's an odd one, as once you see the 'waiting for the mount to settle' message, SharpCap has detected that the mount is no longer slewing and it should just be waiting a fixed time (configured in the SharpCap hardware settings) before moving on.

I think we will need some more info to try to pin down the cause of this one - the first step is to expand the 'detailed progress log' that is at the bottom of that window - that *may* have some more info, although I think it's likely that the last entry will be something like "Mount slew complete, waiting for mount to settle." based on what we can see in the step progress list above.

If that doesn't reveal anything new then we could try checking the SharpCap main log for anything of interest at that point in time and then try the 'additional' logging of 'mount hardware communications' in the SharpCap logging settings - that records all the communication between SharpCap and the ASCOM driver, so we will be able to work out if the ASCOM driver is not responding to a request from SharpCap, etc.


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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »

Hi Robin,

I just got that error :
MOUNT GOTO RA=14:50:42.3,Dec=+74:09:19
TARGETNAME "HIP 72607 (β UMi, 7 UMi, Kochab)"
END SEQUENCE in void SharpCap.Sequencer.SequencerContext.OnStepError(ISequencerStep step, Exception exception)
Debug 19:09:46.624981 #1 Sequencer : Error : 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.' while running step Move the mount to (RA,Dec) RA=14:50:42.3,Dec=+74:09:19 (RA=14:50:42.3,Dec=+74:09:19) in void SharpCap.Sequencer.SequencerContext.OnProgress(string e)
Info 19:09:46.627075 #1 The sequence is now finished. in async Task SharpCap.Sequencer.SequencerContext.RunAsync(ScriptBlock script)
Warning 19:09:46.633924 #1 Goto Catalog Target/Co-ordinates failed : Exception of type 'HardwareFailedToReconnectException' : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. () in async Task<bool> SharpCap.MiniWizards.MiniWizardModel.RunAsync()
Warning 19:09:46.634080 #1 Inner Exception : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): Le serveur RPC n’est pas disponible. (0x800706BA)
at object RuntimeType.InvokeDispMethod(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, object target, object[] args, bool[] byrefModifiers, int culture, string[] namedParameters)
at object RuntimeType.InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, object target, object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParams)
at object Type.InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args)
at bool ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.DynamicAccess.TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result) in J:/ASCOMLibrary/ASCOM.Com/ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess/BaseClass/DynamicAccess.cs:line 56
at void CallSite.Target(Closure, CallSite, object, double, double)
at void ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.Telescope.SlewToCoordinatesAsync(double RightAscension, double Declination) in J:/ASCOMLibrary/ASCOM.Com/ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess/Telescope.cs:line 583
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.MountInterceptionProxy.SlewToCoordinatesAsync(double rightAscension, double declination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/MountInterceptionProxy.cs:line 212
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.MountWrapper.SlewTo(double targetPositionRightAscension, double targetPositionDeclination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/MountWrapper.cs:line 1019
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.RefreshMountProxy.SlewTo(double targetPositionRightAscension, double targetPositionDeclination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/RefreshMountProxy.cs:line 459
at object InvokeStub_IMountProxy.SlewTo(object, Span<object>)
at object System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithFewArgs(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at object System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithFewArgs(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at object SharpCap.Base.Utilities.RetryProxy<T>.Invoke(MethodInfo targetMethod, object[] args) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.Base/Utilities/RetryProxy.cs:line 26 in async Task<bool> SharpCap.MiniWizards.MiniWizardModel.RunAsync()
Warning 19:09:46.634210 #1 Inner Exception : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): Le serveur RPC n’est pas disponible. (0x800706BA)
at object RuntimeType.InvokeDispMethod(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, object target, object[] args, bool[] byrefModifiers, int culture, string[] namedParameters)
at object RuntimeType.InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, object target, object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParams)
at object Type.InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args)
at bool ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.DynamicAccess.TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result) in J:/ASCOMLibrary/ASCOM.Com/ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess/BaseClass/DynamicAccess.cs:line 56
at void CallSite.Target(Closure, CallSite, object, double, double)
at void ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.Telescope.SlewToCoordinatesAsync(double RightAscension, double Declination) in J:/ASCOMLibrary/ASCOM.Com/ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess/Telescope.cs:line 583
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.MountInterceptionProxy.SlewToCoordinatesAsync(double rightAscension, double declination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/MountInterceptionProxy.cs:line 212
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.MountWrapper.SlewTo(double targetPositionRightAscension, double targetPositionDeclination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/MountWrapper.cs:line 1019
at void SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM.RefreshMountProxy.SlewTo(double targetPositionRightAscension, double targetPositionDeclination) in C:/Documents/Source Code/SharpCap/src/SharpCap.MountProxy.ASCOM/RefreshMountProxy.cs:line 459
at object InvokeStub_IMountProxy.SlewTo(object, Span<object>)
at object System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithFewArgs(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) in async Task<bool> SharpCap.MiniWizards.MiniWizardModel.RunAsync()
Debug 19:09:46.634473 #1 Notification (Status=Error): Goto Catalog Target/Co-ordinates failed due to : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. in void SharpCap.UI.NotificationViewModel.DisplayMessage(NotificationMessage message)
Info 19:09:46.636173 #1 Guiding Connection state changed to False in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.GuidingBase.set_IsConnected(bool value)
Info 19:09:46.636350 #1 Disconnected from PHD2 in bool SharpCap.Base.Guiding.Phd2Api.DisconnectImpl()
Info 19:09:46.638333 #1 Guiding GuideState changed to Unknown in void SharpCap.Base.Guiding.GuidingBase.set_State(GuideState value)
Info 19:09:51.668173 #1 Toolbar/Menu input : SharpCap.ViewModels.Actions.GotoCoordinateAction complete in async Task SharpCap.ViewModels.UIAction.ExecuteAsync()
Info 19:10:12.301533 #1 Toolbar/Menu input : SharpCap.ViewModels.Actions.ShowLogAction executing in async Task SharpCap.ViewModels.UIAction.ExecuteAsync()
Info 19:10:12.366226 #1 Toolbar/Menu input : SharpCap.ViewModels.Actions.ShowLogAction complete in async Task SharpCap.ViewModels.UIAction.ExecuteAsync()

Kind regards
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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »


I got again the case, the connection with mount was closed . Find attached the log.
But I wondere if this is due to my mount connected on a hub. I connected it directly on the computer to see.

SC log issue with onestep.txt
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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by admin »

Hi Olivier,

yes, the errors look very much like a communication failure between the ASCOM driver (which runs as part of SharpCap) and the actual program that is controlling the mount. If that program is running on a remote computer then a network failure between the two computers is the most likely cause. If it happens while running on the same computer as SharpCap then it's possible that the mount control application has frozen or crashed - in any case it is not responding properly to requests.

SharpCap goes through a series of steps to try to recover from this sort of problem - for instance in the case of sending a slew command to the telescope, SharpCap will initially just retry the command in the hope that any temporary glitch will not affect a second try. After that SharpCap will try disconnecting and reconnecting the ASCOM driver, then retrying - her hoping that a fresh start on the connection may help fix something. In the case of your logs, neither of those are helping and eventually things fail.

Note that in the last log, the communication is lost some time before the attempt to slew (from about 20:54:05). Once that has happened SharpCap can no-longer update the status of the mount, but that is only logged rather than being raised as an error to the user, since it's not critical at that stage. Once the software needs to tell the mount to do something it does become a critical problem that it fails...


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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »

Hi Robin,

I have updated the firmware of my mount and activated the bluetooth connexion with higher seped of transmission. I will let you know if it is better.
Also I dactivated the PHD2 to stop guiding as this is where I got issues appretly.

My pc is just below the mount and yesterday it was connected with usb cable .

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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »


I have that stange behaviour with my mount (onstep WD-20 ) that if I capture a target A. When I finish the stack I do a goto catalog Target B and the mount does not move. If I slew to move the target A out of scope , then do again goto target B, the goto recenter on Target A and plate solve say it is ok. The result is no move at all.

it is an issue of communication between moutand the pc , but it seems it let SC think the goto was a succes when in really nothing as moved and Sc was doing erronously a successfull plate solve on the old target but "thougth" it was the new... (it is my assumption may not be a good one).
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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by donboy »

Hi Robin,
I have the same stuck issue with the first listed Move to RA/DEC

It also gets stuck n Disconnect Guiding.

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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by admin »


the issue with the wrong target being centered does sound very much like the ASCOM driver for the mount ignoring the second GOTO movement request (but without raising an error). SharpCap assumes that the mount has done what it was told to do (unless an error is raised), so doesn't currently check that the final co-ordinates match the target co-ordinates. I think I will add that check (maybe within 1 degree), so that this sort of failure would get flagged up as an error and stop the sequence rather than continuing and doing weird stuff.

Don, remind me of the mount you are using?


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Re: Goto catalog : mount stay black in step waiting to settle


Post by Opmc73 »

Hi Robin,

I am using an marmonic drive mount warpastron WD-20 that is based on onstep as software. (I also have a zwo AM5N but to support my main OTA (RC10) that is heavy I was prefered to buy a mount that permit more load capacity (WD-20 is capable of 22 kg witout counterweigth and 30kg with))
It works well but I had some strange issue not totally solved but I have the clue from the Warpastron forum that there is an automatic emergency break in the mount that is dependant the load + slew speed and this may be the cause of the mount going back and forth in AR or stop to move. This because the default values may be too aggressive. I have to change the values but I won't be able to test before next friday with my ritchey chretien 10 on top of it.
I saw the emergency break was triggered 94 times by the mount, and I assume in that case the communication between SC and mount via goto is not efficient and then we have the strange behavior I reported.

Yes I think it will be a good improvement to communicate to the user something failed because it was very strange to have the solve plate ok when the target was not the one expected and the mount not move at all :)

Kind regards
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