
Discussions on extending SharpCap using the built in Python scripting functionality
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Post by Oleksandr »

Dear SharpCap team!
Please advise - I want to automate the operation of the telescope and camera with the following tasks:
1. pointing the telescope according to the list of points in RA/DEC, the time of the start of shooting, shooting at the given exposure and the number of frames, diurnal motion is enabled.
2. aiming the telescope according to the list of points in Az/Alt, the time of the start of shooting, shooting at the given exposure and number of frames, diurnal movement is turned off.
3. is there support for TLE?
4. Aiming at a point and setting a speed by RA/DE - for example, for asteroid tracking.

There are probably already many such scripts - please tell me - where to look for examples?

Thank you!
Last edited by Oleksandr on Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: exasmples


Post by admin »


I don't think anyone has tried anything quite like this using scripting before, but it should be achievable. You can work with the connected GOTO mount via SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount to perform GOTO operations to either RA/Dec or Alt/Az co-ordinates inside a loop structure of your own implementation in Python. You can also do certain parts of this in SharpCap's sequencing tool (but I suspect that overall you will find gaps in the sequencer that will end up making you use the Python scripting).

There is no TLE support for orbital elements. You may be able to set RA/Dec tracking speeds by talking direct to the ASCOM driver of the GOTO mount and setting the RA and Declination tracking rates via the ASCOM ITelescopeV3 interface properties (https://ascom-standards.org/Help/Platfo ... copeV3.htm). This API can be accessed via SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.AscomMount

Hope this helps,

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Re: examples


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Olek and Robin,

That is a few weeks ago. I can answer some of the questions, but I have first a question ...

Somebody ask in the few weeks ago if it could be possible to have a place on the forum to upload the scripts.
The idea was to have somewhere all the SharpCap scripts and that the programmer can update a script easily.
Today it is spread over the full forum.

Robin, do you think about this topic ?

1. I have the Occultation script where it takes a text file with the observation information and it is possible
to GOTO to the coordinates and perform a Plate Solve ... + to show the UCAC4 stars.
The observation can be started from the predicted time of the occultation. The start and stop of the capture is then automatic.
If the camera is a QHY174GPS, then the time has the GPS precision. If not then it is the PC clock precision.

Some explanation here: viewtopic.php?p=36210#p36210

2. It would be not too difficult to transfer the Alt/Az coordinates in place of RA/Dec.

For the given exposure or number of frames ... that is easy to define.

3. no

4. That is already done ... I have a small script here. You can set the RA and the DEC at different rates.
You need to calculate the RA and DEC rates of the asteroid at the time of the observation.

It works for a comet too ... here: viewtopic.php?p=34431#p34431

Some planetarium software or JPL website can do the calculation.
Depending on the meridian flip side and the type of mount, the +DEC or -DEC direction can be inversed.

Click on RA+ or RA- to start the movement in RA direction.
Click on DEC+ or DEC- to start for the movement in DEC direction.
It is not necessary to click continuously on the button.
If you click a second time or more times on the same button, then the direction will go faster (scaled 2x, 3x, 4x, ... at each click).
The STOP button stop completely the movement. The tracking should restart if enable before the first click.
If the DEC movement is in the wrong direction, you can click on the opposite DEC button to cancel the DEC movement without stopping the RA.

For the RA movement ... it is sometime not clear if the tracking rate is taken in account or not.
Now I do not remember if I solved this problem in this script.

Code: Select all

# *******************************************************************************************
# SharpCap script "Telescope_Control.py"
# Jean-Francois
# Version: 1.0      : 2023/10/09    Add "Night Vision Colours" and small bug corrections
# Version: 0.1      : 2023/10/03
# Conditions to be fullfilled before starting the script with SharpCap:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Camera is selected and running
# 2. Telescope is selected and connected
# Description of the script version 1.0:
# --------------------------------------
# Add the Night Vision Colours. It works only if the mode is selected before starting the "Telescope_Control" script.
# Add RA and DEC rates separatly
# Add version check. The script can be used with SharpCap 4.1 and 4.0
# Description of the script version 0.1:
# --------------------------------------
# Modification of INTI_SharpCap script
# *******************************************************************************************

import os
import time
import datetime
import math
import clr
import System.Drawing
import System.Windows.Forms

SharpCap_version = SharpCap.AppName.Split("v")[1].Split(",")[0]

if (SharpCap_version.CompareTo("4.1") == -1):   # if version below 4.1, use old ASCOM driver
    from ASCOM.DriverAccess import *
    from ASCOM.Astrometry import *
else:                                           # if version 4.1 or above, use new ASCOM driver
    from ASCOM.Com import *
    from ASCOM.Tools import *

from datetime import datetime
from math import *
from System import EventHandler
from System.Drawing import *
from System.Threading import Thread, ApartmentState, ParameterizedThreadStart
from System.Windows.Forms import *

# ****************************************************************************************************

RA_rate_factor  = 0
DEC_rate_factor = 0
Tel_Film = "T"                                  # Telescope movement mode at start

versionCR = "Version 1.0\n" + "Jean-Fran©ois"

if (SharpCap_version.CompareTo("4.1") == -1):   # if version below 4.1, path of the script location is needed
    script_path  = "C:\Projekte\Astro\Scripts_Desktop\Spectro"
    default_icon = script_path + "\Telescope_Control.ico"
    script_path  = os.path.dirname(__file__)    # if version 4.1 or above, path is found automatically
    default_icon = script_path + "\Telescope_Control.ico"

def Center_thread(self):      # Action by clicking on the center button
    global RA_rate_factor, DEC_rate_factor
    stop_time = datetime.utcnow()
    if (self.Center_Button.Text == "T"):
        self.process.Log("Do nothing")

    if (self.Center_Button.Text == "STOP"):
        self.Center_Button.Text = Tel_Film
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.Center_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.Center_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray

        self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 28, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.Center_Button.Text = "T"
        self.process.Log("Stop telescope movement")

        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Slewing):
                RA_rate_factor  = 0
                DEC_rate_factor = 0
            self.process.Log_error("Telescope is not connected")
        self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")

class StatePanel(Panel):
    def __init__(self, label, width, height):
        super(StatePanel, self).__init__()
        self.Width = width
        self.Height = height
        label_widget = Label()
        label_widget.Text = label
        label_widget.Dock = DockStyle.Top
        label_widget.Height = 25
        label_widget.Font = Font(label_widget.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
        label_widget.Padding = Padding(3)

        state_widget = RichTextBox()
        state_widget.Dock = DockStyle.Top
        state_widget.Height = height - label_widget.Height
        state_widget.Multiline = True
        state_widget.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical
        state_widget.WordWrap = True
        state_widget.ReadOnly = True

        self.label = label_widget
        self.info = state_widget

        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            label_widget.BackColor = Color.Black
            label_widget.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            state_widget.BackColor = Color.Black
            state_widget.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            label_widget.BackColor = Color.White
            label_widget.ForeColor = Color.Black
            state_widget.BackColor = Color.White
            state_widget.ForeColor = Color.Black

    def Log(self, text, error=False):
        start_selection = self.info.Text.Length
        self.info.ReadOnly = False
        self.info.ReadOnly = True
        if error:
            self.info.SelectionStart = start_selection
            self.info.SelectionLength = self.info.Text.Length - start_selection
            self.info.SelectionColor = Color.Red
        self.info.SelectionStart = self.info.Text.Length

    def Log_status(self, text):
        self.label.Text = (str(text))

    def Log_error(self, text):
        self.Log(text, True)

    def Clear_Log(self):
        self.info.ReadOnly = False
        self.info.Text = ""
        self.info.ReadOnly = True

class Telescope_Control(Form):
    def __init__(self):
        self.Text = "Telescope centring"
        self.Width = 800
        #self.Height = 430
        self.MinimumSize = Size(350, 290)
        self.MaximumSize = Size(800, 290)
        self.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi
        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)

    def SetupCheckButtons(self):
        self.VersionCR = Label()
        self.DEC_plus_Button = Button()
        self.RA_plus_Button = Button()
        self.Center_Button = Button()
        self.RA_minus_Button = Button()
        self.DEC_minus_Button = Button()
        self.TelRateLabel = Label()
        self.TelRateLabelRA = Label()
        self.TelRateLabelDEC = Label()
        self.TelRateTextboxRA = TextBox()
        self.TelRateTextboxDEC = TextBox()
        self.ExitButton = Button()
        self.process = StatePanel("Process output", width = 420, height = 220)


        box_height = 65     # Telescope control button dimension
        box_width = 65
        pos_x = 145         # Telescope control button position
        pos_y = 15
        dist = 5            # Telescope control button gap

        self.VersionCR.Text = versionCR
        self.VersionCR.Location = Point(10, 10)
        self.VersionCR.AutoSize = True

        self.DEC_plus_Button.Text = "DEC +"
        self.DEC_plus_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.DEC_plus_Button.Location = Point(pos_x, pos_y)
        self.DEC_plus_Button.Height = box_height
        self.DEC_plus_Button.Width = box_width
        self.DEC_plus_Button.Click += self.DEC_plus

        self.RA_plus_Button.Text = "RA +"
        self.RA_plus_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.RA_plus_Button.Location = Point(pos_x - box_width - dist, pos_y + box_height + dist)
        self.RA_plus_Button.Height = box_height
        self.RA_plus_Button.Width = box_width
        self.RA_plus_Button.Click += self.RA_plus

        self.Center_Button.Text = "T"
        self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 28, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.Center_Button.Location = Point(pos_x, pos_y + box_height + dist)
        self.Center_Button.Height = box_height
        self.Center_Button.Width = box_width
        self.Center_Button.Click += self.Center

        self.RA_minus_Button.Text = "RA -"
        self.RA_minus_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.RA_minus_Button.Location = Point(pos_x + box_width + dist, pos_y + box_height + dist)
        self.RA_minus_Button.Height = box_height
        self.RA_minus_Button.Width = box_width
        self.RA_minus_Button.Click += self.RA_minus

        self.DEC_minus_Button.Text = "DEC  -"
        self.DEC_minus_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.DEC_minus_Button.Location = Point(pos_x, pos_y + 2*box_height + 2*dist)
        self.DEC_minus_Button.Height = box_height
        self.DEC_minus_Button.Width = box_width
        self.DEC_minus_Button.Click += self.DEC_minus

        self.TelRateLabel.Text = "Telescope Rate:"
        self.TelRateLabel.Font = Font("Times", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.TelRateLabel.Location = Point(220, 5)
        self.TelRateLabel.AutoSize = True

        self.TelRateLabelRA.Text = "RA:"
        self.TelRateLabelRA.Font = Font("Times", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.TelRateLabelRA.Location = Point(220, 28)
        self.TelRateLabelRA.AutoSize = True

        self.TelRateLabelDEC.Text = "DEC:"
        self.TelRateLabelDEC.Font = Font("Times", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.TelRateLabelDEC.Location = Point(220, 58)
        self.TelRateLabelDEC.AutoSize = True

        self.TelRateTextboxRA.Text = "16"
        self.TelRateTextboxRA.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.TelRateTextboxRA.Location = Point(270, 25)
        self.TelRateTextboxRA.Width = 60

        self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Text = "16"
        self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Location = Point(270, 55)
        self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Width = 60

        self.ExitButton.Text = "Exit"
        self.ExitButton.Location = Point(10, 200)
        self.ExitButton.Width = 100
        self.ExitButton.Click += self.exit

        self.process.Location = Point(351, 10)
        self.process.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

    def IsNightMode(self):
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.StyleFromParent = False
            self.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.VersionCR.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabel.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabelRA.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabelDEC.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateTextboxRA.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateTextboxDEC.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.ExitButton.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.process.BackColor = Color.Black

            self.VersionCR.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.DEC_plus_Button.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.RA_plus_Button.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.Center_Button.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.RA_minus_Button.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.DEC_minus_Button.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.TelRateLabel.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.TelRateLabelRA.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.TelRateLabelDEC.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.TelRateTextboxRA.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.TelRateTextboxDEC.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.ExitButton.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.process.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange

            self.process.label.BackColor = Color.Black
            self.process.label.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange
            self.process.info.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.process.info.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.StyleFromParent = True
            self.BackColor = Color.White
            self.VersionCR.BackColor = Color.White
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor = Color.White
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor = Color.White
            self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.White
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.White
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.White
            self.TelRateLabel.BackColor = Color.White
            self.TelRateLabelRA.BackColor = Color.White
            self.TelRateLabelDEC.BackColor = Color.White
            self.TelRateTextboxRA.BackColor = Color.White
            self.TelRateTextboxDEC.BackColor = Color.White
            self.ExitButton.BackColor = Color.White
            self.process.BackColor = Color.White

            self.VersionCR.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.DEC_plus_Button.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.RA_plus_Button.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.Center_Button.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.RA_minus_Button.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.DEC_minus_Button.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabelRA.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateLabelDEC.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateTextboxRA.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.TelRateTextboxDEC.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.ExitButton.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.process.ForeColor = Color.Black

            self.process.label.BackColor = Color.White
            self.process.label.ForeColor = Color.Black
            self.process.info.BackColor  = Color.White
            self.process.info.ForeColor  = Color.Black

    def CheckConnection(self):
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
                self.process.Log("The telescope (" + str(SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount) + ") is connected")
                self.process.Log_error("The telescope is not connected.")

            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Tracking):
                self.process.Log("The telescope is tracking")
                self.process.Log_error("The tracking of the telescope is off")
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")

    def DEC_plus(self, sender, event):      # Action by clicking on the DEC+ button
        global DEC_rate_factor, Tel_Film
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Gray
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.Black
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Gray
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.LightGray
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.LightGray

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "T"):
            DEC_rate_factor = 1

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "STOP"):
            DEC_rate_factor += 1
            print("DEC_plus:", DEC_rate_factor)

        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount == None):
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
                rate = abs(float(self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Text))
                self.process.Log("DEC+ movement with rate = " + str("%.4f" % round(rate*DEC_rate_factor,4)))
                SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.MoveAxis(1, rate*DEC_rate_factor)

                self.Center_Button.Text = "STOP"
                self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
                self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.Red

                self.process.Log_error("Telescope is not connected")

    def RA_minus(self, sender, event):      # Action by clicking on the RA- button
        global RA_rate_factor, Tel_Film
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Gray
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.Black
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Gray
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.LightGray
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.LightGray

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "T"):
            RA_rate_factor = 1

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "STOP"):
            RA_rate_factor += 1
            print("RA_minus:", RA_rate_factor)

        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount == None):
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
                if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Tracking): Delta_rate = 0.0
                else: Delta_rate = 1.0
                rate = abs(float(self.TelRateTextboxRA.Text))
                self.process.Log("RA-  movement with rate = " + str("%.4f" % round(rate*RA_rate_factor,4)))
                if (rate == 1):
                    SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.MoveAxis(0, rate*RA_rate_factor - 0.9999 + Delta_rate)
                    temp = rate*RA_rate_factor - 0.9999 + Delta_rate
                    SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.MoveAxis(0, rate*RA_rate_factor - 1.0 + Delta_rate)
                    temp = rate*RA_rate_factor - 1.0 + Delta_rate

                print("RA = ", temp)

                self.Center_Button.Text = "STOP"
                self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
                self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.Red
                self.process.Log_error("Telescope is not connected")

    def RA_plus(self, sender, event):      # Action by clicking on the RA+ button
        global RA_rate_factor, Tel_Film
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.Gray
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Black

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.Gray
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.LightGray

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "T"):
            RA_rate_factor = -1

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "STOP"):
            RA_rate_factor -= 1
            print("RA_plus:", RA_rate_factor)

        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount == None):
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
                if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Tracking): Delta_rate = 0.0
                else: Delta_rate = 1.0
                rate = abs(float(self.TelRateTextboxRA.Text))
                self.process.Log("RA+  movement with rate = " + str("%.4f" % round(rate*RA_rate_factor,4)))
                SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.MoveAxis(0, rate*RA_rate_factor - 1.0 + Delta_rate)

                print("RA = ", rate*RA_rate_factor - 1.0 + Delta_rate)

                self.Center_Button.Text = "STOP"
                self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
                self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.Red
                self.process.Log_error("Telescope is not connected")

    def DEC_minus(self, sender, event):      # Action by clicking on the DEC- button
        global DEC_rate_factor, Tel_Film
        if (SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.Black
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.Black
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Gray

        if (not SharpCap.NightModeControl.Enabled):
            self.DEC_plus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_minus_Button.BackColor  = Color.LightGray
            self.RA_plus_Button.BackColor   = Color.LightGray
            self.DEC_minus_Button.BackColor = Color.Gray

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "T"):
            DEC_rate_factor = -1

        if (self.Center_Button.Text == "STOP"):
            DEC_rate_factor -= 1
            print("DEC_minus:", DEC_rate_factor)

        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount == None):
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Connected):
                rate = abs(float(self.TelRateTextboxDEC.Text))
                self.process.Log("DEC- movement with rate = " + str("%.4f" % round(rate*DEC_rate_factor,4)))
                SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.MoveAxis(1, rate*DEC_rate_factor)

                self.Center_Button.Text = "STOP"
                self.Center_Button.Font = Font("Times", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
                self.Center_Button.BackColor = Color.Red

                self.process.Log_error("Telescope is not connected")

    def exit(self, sender, event):
            if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Slewing):
                self.process.Log("Stop telescope movement")
            self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")
        self.process.Log("Stop script Telescope Control")

    def Center(self, sender, event):
        th_Center = Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart(Center_thread))

def BeforeClosing(self, sender):
        if (SharpCap.Mounts.SelectedMount.Slewing):
        self.process.Log_error("No telescope is selected")

form = Telescope_Control()
form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
form.TopMost = True
form.FormClosing += BeforeClosing
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Re: examples


Post by admin »


for a 'script library', we could have a pinned topic here in the scripting forum. One post per 'script', with an announcment of what it does and a link to somewhere else (probably another forum thread) for discussions and downloads. No discussions in the 'Library' thread, just announcements.


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Re: examples


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

Yes, could work.
And how to announce a new version ? ... Edit the pinned topic ? (and add a date of the last modification).

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Re: examples


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

yes, I would think that a new post in the 'dedicated' topic and an edit to the post in the pinned topic would do the trick.

I could maintain an index in the pinned first post of the items.


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Re: examples


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

OK, fine. We can test it.

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