Using the mechanical shutter with Moravian G5

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Using the mechanical shutter with Moravian G5


Post by albusmw »


I am using a Moravian C5A-150M which has a mechanical shutter to capture darks.
Up to now I did not find a possibilify to activate the shutter in SharpCap, in the API (as I also do my own capture software just for me) this is just one parameter which must be 0 or 1.
Is there a function I do not find to use it in SharpCap, and if there isn't are there plans to include this functionality?

Best regards Martin.
Martin Josef Weiss
Spitzwegstraße 15
83607 Holzkirchen, Germany
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Re: Using the mechanical shutter with Moravian G5


Post by admin »

Hi Martin,

there's no support at the moment for leaving the shutter closed, but I guess I could have a control on the right hand side to allow the user to choose whether to open the shutter or not...

'Open Shutter' : Yes/No

or something similar to that? Would you be happy to test if I add that functionality (I don't have a Moravian camera with a shutter - in fact I don't have any astro cameras with a shutter ;) )


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Re: Using the mechanical shutter with Moravian G5


Post by albusmw »

Hi Robin, thanks for your fast reply, and sorry for my delay, I did not switch on the notifications on the forum.
Yes, I would be happy to test it, as it is only a boolean parameter in the call it should be easy to add.
And as software engineer for 30 years, I am also an experianced tester :-)
Cheers and best regards Martin.
Martin Josef Weiss
Spitzwegstraße 15
83607 Holzkirchen, Germany
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