View with center and corners

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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

Thanks for the explanation (Dispose() and BeginnInvoke). I will try it in the next days (or nights).

I tried yesterday the frame.ChangeBitDepth(8) function ... but without success.
And without success too ... it was not possible to use the stretch.

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Re: View with center and corners


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

remember that those functions (change bit depth, display stretch) do not change the frame itself - they return a new frame that has the changes applied to it. Maybe that is the issue?


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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

Yes, that should be the problem ... I tested the following:

Code: Select all

frame = frame.DisplayTransform(stretch)
frame = args.Frame.ChangeBitDepth(8)
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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »


I have now a new version.
It can show 8 or 16 bits images.
In addition, it is possible to change the gamma value with a slider.

Code: Select all

# *******************************************************************************************
# SharpCap script ""
# 2024/08/31 Jean-Francois
# Version: 2.0.0:   Lot of correction. Now 8 and 16 bit MONO, Gamma setting.
# Version: 1.0.0:   First version
# The script works only with a SharpCap PRO version.
# *******************************************************************************************

import os
import math
import clr

import System.Drawing
import System.Windows.Forms

from System import Array, EventHandler
from System.Drawing import *
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from System.Threading import Thread, ApartmentState, ParameterizedThreadStart
from SharpCap.Base import Interfaces

H = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.Resolution.CaptureArea.Height
W = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.Resolution.CaptureArea.Width

Boxsize = 100

bH = Boxsize
bW = Boxsize

Rect_1 = Rectangle(0, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_2 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_3 = Rectangle(W - bW, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_4 = Rectangle(0, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_5 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_6 = Rectangle(W - bW, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_7 = Rectangle(0, H - bH, bW, bH)
Rect_8 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, H - bH, bW, bH)
Rect_9 = Rectangle(W - bW, H - bH, bW, bH)

stretch_gamma = 0.5
colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value

def Show_picture_box(bmp):
    form_nine_zone.pictureBox1.Image = bmp

def framehandler(sender, args):
    global stretch_gamma, colour_space
    if (dumpdata):
            stretch = Interfaces.ReciprocalLevelStretch(0.0, stretch_gamma, 1.0, False)
            if (colour_space == 'MONO16' or colour_space == 'RAW16'):
                frame = args.Frame.ChangeBitDepth(8).DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()
                frame = args.Frame.DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()

            bitmap = Bitmap(3 * bW + 2, 3 * bH + 2)
            gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0,        0, bW, bH), Rect_1, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1,        0, bW, bH), Rect_2, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2,        0, bW, bH), Rect_3, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_4, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_5, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_6, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_7, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_8, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_9, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            form_nine_zone.BeginInvoke(lambda: Show_picture_box(bitmap))

            frame.Dispose()     # here frame is a bitmap
            print("Problem framehandler")

# *****************************************************************************

def Show_Nine_zone(self):
    global dumpdata, colour_space
    global bH, bW, Rect_1, Rect_2, Rect_3, Rect_4, Rect_5, Rect_6, Rect_7, Rect_8, Rect_9

    Boxsize = int(self.textBoxSize.Text)
    bH = Boxsize
    bW = Boxsize

    Rect_1 = Rectangle(0, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_2 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_3 = Rectangle(W - bW, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_4 = Rectangle(0, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_5 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_6 = Rectangle(W - bW, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_7 = Rectangle(0, H - bH, bW, bH)
    Rect_8 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, H - bH, bW, bH)
    Rect_9 = Rectangle(W - bW, H - bH, bW, bH)

    #self.pictureBox1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(3*Boxsize + 2, 3*Boxsize + 2)

    if (3*Boxsize + 2 > 450):
        new_width = int((3*Boxsize + 2)/1.476)
        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(new_width, new_width + 75)
        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)
    if (3*Boxsize + 2 < 450):
        new_width = 300
        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(new_width, new_width + 75)
        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)

    if (self.Nine_zone.Text == "Start"):
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Stop"
        self.Nine_zone.BackColor = Color.Red
        colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value
        dumpdata = True
        SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured += framehandler

    elif (self.Nine_zone.Text == "Stop"):
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Start"
        self.Nine_zone.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro
        colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value
        dumpdata = False
        SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured -= framehandler

    print("Nine Zones:")

# *****************************************************************************

class Nine_zoneWINMenuForm(Form):
    def __init__(self):
        self.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi
        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)

    def InitializeComponent(self):
        self.Text = "Nine Zones"
        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(300, 500) #340)
        self.TopMost = True

    def setupCheckButtons(self):
        self.Nine_zone = Button()
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Start"
        self.Nine_zone.Location = Point(20, 10)
        self.Nine_zone.Click += self.Nine_zone_meas
        self.Nine_zone.AutoSize = True

        self.labelSize = Label()
        self.labelSize.AutoSize = True
        self.labelSize.Location = Point(110, 14)
        self.labelSize.Name = "labelSize"
        self.labelSize.Text = "Size:"

        self.textBoxSize = TextBox()
        self.textBoxSize.AutoSize = True
        self.textBoxSize.Location = Point(145, 12)
        self.textBoxSize.Name = "textBoxSize"
        self.textBoxSize.Size = Size(35, 20)
        self.textBoxSize.Text = str(Boxsize)

        self.button_Exit = Button()
        self.button_Exit.Text = "Exit"
        self.button_Exit.Location = Point(200, 10)
        self.button_Exit.Click += self.exit
        self.button_Exit.AutoSize = True

        self.pictureBox1 = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
        self.pictureBox1.Location = System.Drawing.Point(3, 70)
        self.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"
        self.pictureBox1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(3*Boxsize + 2, 3*Boxsize + 2)
        self.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0
        self.pictureBox1.TabStop = False

        self.trackBar1 = TrackBar()
        self.trackBar1.Location = Point(8, 40)
        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
        self.trackBar1.Scroll +=  EventHandler(self.trackBar1_Scroll)

        self.trackBar1.Minimum = 0
        self.trackBar1.Maximum = 100
        self.trackBar1.TickFrequency = 10
        self.trackBar1.Value = 50


    def Nine_zone_meas(self, sender, event):
        th = Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart(Show_Nine_zone))

    def trackBar1_Scroll(self, sender, event):
        global stretch_gamma
        stretch_gamma = self.trackBar1.Value / 100

    def exit(self, sender, event):

    def BeforeClosing(self, sender, event):
            print("Stop before closing script")
            dumpdata = False
            SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured -= framehandler

form_nine_zone = Nine_zoneWINMenuForm()
form_nine_zone.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
form_nine_zone.TopMost = True
form_nine_zone.FormClosing += form_nine_zone.BeforeClosing
I wanted a triple slider. But I do not found how to do.
It is now a single slider for changing the gamma value (= middle point of the histogram).

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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

How do you do the zoom in "pixels" ?
I tried with Bitmap/Graphics function. But I still not found the correct way.

Here an example if I scale 4x the bitmap before showing it.
In comparison the same region on the image in SharpCap (with zoom = 300%).
The camera is set to MONO8 with a lot of gain.
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Re: View with center and corners


Post by admin »


if you are using a Graphics object then try

graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

before drawing the bitmap at 4x size into the graphics - that should get you the blocky, big pixel, look.


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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

OK, thanks. It works after adding "from System.Drawing.Drawing2D import InterpolationMode".

Here the script with the last modification.

Code: Select all

# *******************************************************************************************
# SharpCap script ""
# 2024/09/04 Jean-Francois
# Version: 2.1.0:   Add pixel zoom
# Version: 2.0.0:   Lot of correction. Now 8 and 16 bit MONO, Gamma setting
# Version: 1.0.0:   First version
# The script works only with a SharpCap PRO version.
# *******************************************************************************************

import os
import math
import clr

import System.Drawing
import System.Windows.Forms

from System import Array, EventHandler
from System.Drawing import *
from System.Drawing.Drawing2D import InterpolationMode
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from System.Threading import Thread, ApartmentState, ParameterizedThreadStart
from SharpCap.Base import Interfaces

H = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.Resolution.CaptureArea.Height
W = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.Resolution.CaptureArea.Width

Boxsize = 100

bH = Boxsize
bW = Boxsize

Rect_1 = Rectangle(0, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_2 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_3 = Rectangle(W - bW, 0, bW, bH)
Rect_4 = Rectangle(0, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_5 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_6 = Rectangle(W - bW, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
Rect_7 = Rectangle(0, H - bH, bW, bH)
Rect_8 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, H - bH, bW, bH)
Rect_9 = Rectangle(W - bW, H - bH, bW, bH)

stretch_gamma = 0.5
colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value

zoom = 1

def Show_picture_box(bmp):
    form_nine_zone.pictureBox1.Image = bmp

def framehandler(sender, args):
    global stretch_gamma, colour_space, zoom
    if (dumpdata):
            stretch = Interfaces.ReciprocalLevelStretch(0.0, stretch_gamma, 1.0, False)
            if (colour_space == 'MONO16' or colour_space == 'RAW16'):
                frame = args.Frame.ChangeBitDepth(8).DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()
                frame = args.Frame.DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()

            bitmap = Bitmap(zoom*(3 * bW + 2), zoom*(3 * bH + 2))
            gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)

            gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor
            gr.ScaleTransform(zoom, zoom)

            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0,        0, bW, bH), Rect_1, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1,        0, bW, bH), Rect_2, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2,        0, bW, bH), Rect_3, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_4, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_5, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2,   bH + 1, bW, bH), Rect_6, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(       0, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_7, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(  bW + 1, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_8, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            gr.DrawImage(frame, Rectangle(2*bW + 2, 2*bH + 2, bW, bH), Rect_9, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            form_nine_zone.BeginInvoke(lambda: Show_picture_box(bitmap))

            frame.Dispose()     # here frame is a bitmap
            print("Problem framehandler")

# *****************************************************************************

def Show_Nine_zone(self):
    global dumpdata, colour_space, zoom
    global bH, bW, Rect_1, Rect_2, Rect_3, Rect_4, Rect_5, Rect_6, Rect_7, Rect_8, Rect_9

    Boxsize = int(self.textBoxSize.Text)
    bH = Boxsize
    bW = Boxsize

    Rect_1 = Rectangle(0, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_2 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_3 = Rectangle(W - bW, 0, bW, bH)
    Rect_4 = Rectangle(0, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_5 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_6 = Rectangle(W - bW, (H-bH)//2, bW, bH)
    Rect_7 = Rectangle(0, H - bH, bW, bH)
    Rect_8 = Rectangle((W-bW)//2, H - bH, bW, bH)
    Rect_9 = Rectangle(W - bW, H - bH, bW, bH)

    if (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "100%"):
        zoom = 1
    elif (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "200%"):
        zoom = 2
    elif (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "300%"):
        zoom = 3
    elif (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "400%"):
        zoom = 4
    elif (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "600%"):
        zoom = 6
    elif (self.comboboxZoom.Text == "800%"):
        zoom = 8

    self.pictureBox1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(zoom*(3*Boxsize + 2), zoom*(3*Boxsize + 2))

#    if (3*Boxsize + 2 > 450):
#        new_width = int((3*Boxsize + 2)/1.476)
#        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(new_width, new_width + 75)
#        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
#        self.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi
#        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)
#    if (3*Boxsize + 2 < 450):
#        new_width = 300
#        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(new_width, new_width + 75)
#        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
#        self.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi
#        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)

    if (self.Nine_zone.Text == "Start"):
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Stop"
        self.Nine_zone.BackColor = Color.Red
        colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value
        dumpdata = True
        SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured += framehandler

    elif (self.Nine_zone.Text == "Stop"):
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Start"
        self.Nine_zone.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro
        colour_space = SharpCap.SelectedCamera.Controls.ColourSpace.Value
        dumpdata = False
        SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured -= framehandler

    print("Nine Zones:")

# *****************************************************************************

class Nine_zoneWINMenuForm(Form):
    def __init__(self):
        self.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi
        self.AutoScaleDimensions = SizeF(96, 96)

    def InitializeComponent(self):
        self.Text = "Nine Zones"
        self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(400, 500) #340)
        self.TopMost = True

    def setupCheckButtons(self):
        self.Nine_zone = Button()
        self.Nine_zone.Text = "Start"
        self.Nine_zone.Location = Point(20, 10)
        self.Nine_zone.Click += self.Nine_zone_meas
        self.Nine_zone.AutoSize = True

        self.labelSize = Label()
        self.labelSize.AutoSize = True
        self.labelSize.Location = Point(110, 14)
        self.labelSize.Name = "labelSize"
        self.labelSize.Text = "Size:"

        self.textBoxSize = TextBox()
        self.textBoxSize.AutoSize = True
        self.textBoxSize.Location = Point(142, 11)
        self.textBoxSize.Name = "textBoxSize"
        self.textBoxSize.Size = Size(35, 20)
        self.textBoxSize.Text = str(Boxsize)

        self.labelZoom = Label()
        self.labelZoom.AutoSize = True
        self.labelZoom.Location = Point(195, 14)
        self.labelZoom.Name = "labelZoom"
        self.labelZoom.Text = "Zoom:"

        self.comboboxZoom = ComboBox()
        self.comboboxZoom.Location = Point(240, 11)
        self.comboboxZoom.Size = Size(60,10)
        self.comboboxZoom.SelectedItem  = "100%"

        self.button_Exit = Button()
        self.button_Exit.Text = "Exit"
        self.button_Exit.Location = Point(310, 10)
        self.button_Exit.Click += self.exit
        self.button_Exit.AutoSize = True

        self.pictureBox1 = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
        self.pictureBox1.Location = System.Drawing.Point(3, 70)
        self.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"
        #self.pictureBox1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(3*Boxsize + 2, 3*Boxsize + 2)
        self.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0
        self.pictureBox1.TabStop = False
        self.pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.Red
        self.pictureBox1.AutoSize = True

        self.trackBar1 = TrackBar()
        self.trackBar1.Location = Point(8, 40)
        self.trackBar1.Size = Size(self.ClientSize.Width - 10, 35)
        self.trackBar1.Scroll +=  EventHandler(self.trackBar1_Scroll)

        self.trackBar1.Minimum = 0
        self.trackBar1.Maximum = 100
        self.trackBar1.TickFrequency = 10
        self.trackBar1.Value = 50


    def Nine_zone_meas(self, sender, event):
        th = Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart(Show_Nine_zone))

    def trackBar1_Scroll(self, sender, event):
        global stretch_gamma
        stretch_gamma = self.trackBar1.Value / 100

    def exit(self, sender, event):

    def BeforeClosing(self, sender, event):
            print("Stop before closing script")
            dumpdata = False
            SharpCap.SelectedCamera.FrameCaptured -= framehandler

form_nine_zone = Nine_zoneWINMenuForm()
form_nine_zone.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
form_nine_zone.TopMost = True
form_nine_zone.FormClosing += form_nine_zone.BeforeClosing

Left: the zoom in my script, right: the zoom in SharpCap window.
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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »


OK, here my last version.

I add the possibility to move the view.
How to do ? ... simply click with the left mouse button on the centre and then move the mouse (with the button pressed).
When you release the mouse button, the view comes back to the centre (and corners).

I tested with different cameras. It works fine. But, with a very large sensor, it needs a lot of memory.
It crashed several times (when the 12 GB memory allocation in SharpCap settings was full).
I tested it with more memory reservation (32 GB) ... and the same ... with the 60 MPixel camera in 16 bit, it was a new crash around 34 GB RAM.

With smaller camera sensor or in 8 bit ... no problem.

Robin, can you have a quick look in my code ?
How can I release more memory ?

The script is now a "menu" version.
Rename the file with *.py in place of *.txt.
Select it in the "File" - "SharpCap Settings" - "Startup Scripts" and restart SharpCap.
A new menu should be visible.


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Re: View with center and corners


Post by Jean-Francois »

Hello Robin,

I did some additional research and I add 2 Dispose() (for "gr" and "bitmap").
But it has not the wanted effect ... means it has no effect.

For a ROI up to 7200x6422, no problem ... the maximum RAM for SharpCap is between 1.4 GB and 3.3 GB (and goes up and down continuously).
For the maximum sensor size of 9600x6422 ... then it is more problem. The used RAM grows up to the limit set in SharpCap.

Here the memory use for both ROI:
I repeat it with the maximum possible RAM size on my desktop computer ... 123 GB.
And it was continuously growing, until SharpCap completely crash and the window disappear around 121 GB memory use.

OK, for the people trying my script ... if you have a small sensor, then it is no problem. At least you have several free GB RAM that you can set in SharpCap settings. If you have a 60 Mpixel sensor, then take care to not use my script if you use the full frame.

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Re: View with center and corners


Post by admin »

Hi Jean-Francois,

I think your problem is in these lines of code

Code: Select all

                if (colour_space == 'MONO16' or colour_space == 'RAW16'):
                    frame = args.Frame.ChangeBitDepth(8).DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()
                    frame = args.Frame.DisplayTransform(stretch).GetFrameBitmap()
There are intermediate results here that are SharpCap frame objects that need to have .Release() called on them. In particular, the objects returned by .ChangeBitDepth() and .DisplayTransform() need to be stored into variables and then .Release() called on them.


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