iOptron AEF focuser ?

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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by admin »

Hi Peter,

I don't have the iOptron to test with, but based on the info above, I suspect it's still necessary to use the ASCOM Device Hub, since the problems we have previously seen appear to be a clash between the software protection scheme used by SharpCap and the one used by iOptron. The Device hub isolates the two from each other and cures that issue.

I'm not sure that you would be able to use two versions easily via the Device Hub route - my guess is not, since there is only one copy of the device hub, and that can only be configured for one focuser at a time.

You can get multiple copies of the ZWO EAF and the Pegasus focusers working together (I've had two of both at various points in time).


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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by PeterC65 »

Hi Robin,

Thanks once again for the exemplary support!

The ZWO EAF is also on my list so it's good to know that SharpCap supports it natively.

Also on my list is the Astroasis Oasis Focuser. Does SharpCap support this focuser natively by any chance?

Would it be OK if I contacted iOptron to suggest they give you one of their focusers so that you could try to solve the obfuscation issue? Also Astroasis if their focuser isn't supported natively?

Thanks again,

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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by admin »


actually, SharpCap only supports focusers via their ASCOM drivers (no native support for any brands). It's just that I happen to know from experience that the ZWO and Pegasus ascom drivers have no problems with SharpCap.

I just checked and the ZWO ASCOM driver does have two 'driver slots', allowing you to setup two separate focusers on the same machine (it appears as ZWO Focuser 1 and ZWO FOcuser 2 in the list). Actually, Pegasus doesn't show 2 of the same type - I get two running at once because one is a focus cube and the other is via an ultimate power box.

To be honest, I don't suppose that we'd get far in getting the iOptron driver to work in SharpCap - we both have set up the code to try to at least limit software piracy and reverse engineering, and neither of us is going to want to change that.


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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by PeterC65 »

Hi Robin,

When you say that SharpCap uses the ZWO EAF ASCOM Driver does that mean I would need to launch the ASCOM Device Hub before SharpCap will work with the focuser, or is that all dealt with behind the scenes? I have the ZWO electronic filter wheel and that works as soon as I start SharpCap, without me needing to do anything in ASCOM.

I see that SharpCap supports Astroasis cameras and their new focuser is currently my favoured option (called the Rose Focuser). Do you happen to know if the (older) Astroasis focuser will work with SharpCap, via its ASCOM Driver in the same way as the ZWO EAF?

Thanks again,

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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by admin »

Hi Peter,

for most ASCOM things (focusers, wheels, rotators, mounts, etc), the devices just work inside SharpCap - they show up in the hardware list, you select them, connect them and use them.

The reason that it is harder for the iOptron is that their code (for some reason - probably to do with software hacking protection) doesn't like running inside SharpCap, so the 'Device Hub' has to be used as a way to work around that problem. This is the exception rather than the rule.

So, 95+% of devices that are accessed via ASCOM drivers will work directly in SharpCap without the need for the device hub. ZWO is fine, Pegasus is fine, etc.

I'm not sure about AstroAsis focusers - I only have direct support for their cameras, but the chances of it working nicely are pretty high.


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Re: iOptron AEF focuser ?


Post by PeterC65 »

Hi Robin,

I've seen a screenshot of SharpCap working properly with the Astroasis focuser, showing the focuser appearing in the dropdown list, so it looks to be working fine as you suggest.

I've decided to get the new Astroasis focuser, v2.0, called the Rose Focuser. I'm picking it up at the IAS show on the 14th and will let you know if I find any issues using it with SharpCap.

Thanks again for your help.

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