Hi Ehud,
do you get an opportunity to send a bug report on the crash? If so, please send it (make sure you are on the latest version first, as I focus on the bug reports from the most recent versions). The bug report usually gives me enough info to investigate. If you post some details of the error message that is shown as part of the bug report then that helps me find the right report when I check.
How long is the USB cable when you include the extension? USB does not allow total cable lengths of more than 5m (USB2). I have found that much over 3.5m often causes issues when using USB3.
SV605cc Beeps and Dosconnect
Re: SV605cc Beeps and Dosconnect
Hi Robin,
Per your request, I opened bug report viewtopic.php?t=8072.
I have done it only today' after checking also with another USB hub.
Per your request, I opened bug report viewtopic.php?t=8072.
I have done it only today' after checking also with another USB hub.