Plan to add a temperature sensor?

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Plan to add a temperature sensor?


Post by OlegLviv »

Good day!
1.Do you plan to add a temperature sensor panel like zwo cameras or Player One, because the basler cameras are very small and get very hot!
2.Aca 1920-155um have two position gain (Gain and Digital Gain) why is two different panels? And Gain have only 36 position why and which better position without noise?
3.If you have capture area 1936x1216 on SharpCap and you shoot a video on SER Player I see only 1920x1200? Why not 1936x1216?

Thank you! :ugeek:
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Re: Plan to add a temperature sensor?


Post by admin »


the difficulty is with Basler that there are almost always a number of different ways that you could access some aspect of the camera, and the way that you do access it tends to vary from camera model to camera model. As an example, cameras might have one of 'Gain', 'RawGain' and 'AbsoluteGain' and SharpCap has to try each of them and pick the one that the camera offers. Since Basler is typically an industrial camera brand, this doesn't matter much - in an industrial settings, someone will buy 20 of a particular model and write their software to target that model (which might use 'RawGain' as an example). They don't have to worry about 'Gain' and 'AbsoluteGain'. SharpCap tries to work with every Basler camera to some degree, and since I only actually have one model to test with, it's hard to be sure how new features work or which ones are supported by a wide range of cameras and which are only supported by one or two...

I just looked at temperature and there are (typically) about six different temperature properties that can be read. I expect the most sensible one is 'DeviceTemperature', but even that isn't simple - there is a 'DeviceTemperatureSelector' too that needs to be used to choose which temperature sensor to read!

Because Basler usage is only a tiny fraction of overally SharpCap use (most people use ZWO, QHY, Altair, SVBony, ToupTek, etc), enhancing it is not really a big priority, but I do try to fix bugs when they come up.

As to gain, usually it is best to avoid using the digital gain - the SharpCap display stretch function will give you the same ability to brighten the image but does not affect the saved data. You can find a little bit more about how Basler cameras interpret the gain value here - - I suspect that the maximum of 36 is in dB (ZWO for instance measure gain in steps of 0.1dB, so an equivalent limit for a ZWO camera would be 360).

On the image size, I can't see any obvious reason why you would get 1920x1080 not 1936x1216 in the saved file - if you want to post a log of a capture taken with those settings I can check through it to see if there is any clue in the log.


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