AllSky cameras (round 2)

Using SharpCap for other Astro Imaging such as all sky cameras and meteor detection
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Re: AllSky cameras (round 2)


Post by admin »

Hi Peter,

I'm guessing that is a link to an all-sky aurora capture :) (sadly the link doesn't work for me - just says 'this content isn't available at the moment'). I'd suggest trying your link from another browser where you aren't logged into facebook - you can then see the problem and tinker with the post privacy settings in facebook until you have it fixed.

The show last night was absolutely stunning - I have been waiting to see a naked eye aurora for 30+ years, and then we get one that isn't just a glow on the horizon but visible all the way to the zenith.

I will be posting some pictures in a moment over in the gallery.


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Re: AllSky cameras (round 2)


Post by PeterNH »

Thanks Robin
Yes, sorry about that, should work now as I have changed privacy settings for that post.

Great gallery already!

(Thanks for tip about using different browser, not logged in,to test "social visibility" etc - will use that from now)
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Re: AllSky cameras (round 2)


Post by admin »

Hi Peter,

yep, link all working now - a really good video, well done! Now all we need is to have a *proper* meteor storm - that would be an all-sky video worth having :)


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Re: AllSky cameras (round 2)


Post by PeterNH »

Thanks. Yes, meteor shower would be great!

Also, so happy I wasn’t tempted into a more sensitive mono camera. I love the star colours on a “normal” night, although still experimenting with gain - it’s a compromise I think.

Also, relieved it was all on last night - haven’t been checking for a few days, and I’ve been a bit scared to go into bios for “wake on power” etc. (we get short power cuts quite often).
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