Automating run including meridian flip

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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by woldsweather »

Just seeing if there was meridian flip[ available in SC.
A problem I have is when the target reaches or just goes past the meridian and I do a manual flip and then send it back to the target it platesolves but won't slew with error:

Synctarget()RaDec was rejected.

I can't slew to anything that is less than an hour past the meridian.

Should I be able to?
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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by admin »


this is basically the same issue that you posted about here : viewtopic.php?p=40520#p40520

EQMOD is rejecting the sync for some reason - I don't have it happening just to the west side of the meridian in my EQMOD setup, so it seems likely that it is some EQMOD configuration subtlety. Did you post on the EQMOD mailing list to ask the people who might know?


Salut Vilaró
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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by Salut Vilaró »

I am looking for a way to perform the meridian flip in SharCap. I can't find the configuration menu. Can you help me?
I use ASCOM and PHD2. Mount: IOptron CEM40G.
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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by admin »


currently there is no built in meridian flip option that just lets you press a button or tick a box and it happens, although having a button to perform the flip is a nice idea.

You can build an imaging sequence containing an automated meridian flip using the SharpCap sequence editor - see the 'Meridian flip the mount' step in the documentation - . There are also sequencer steps that allow you to limit the previous capturing so that it stops as the mount approaches the meridian.


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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by Geekman42 »

Hello, I enjoy using the standard built in sequence for capturing dso's.
I notice that the sequence editor has an option for adding the meridian flip, I just have no idea on where to add it in the sequence, and return to the object being captured. Any chance there may be a YouTube video in the works for adding the flip into the stock sequence? Thank you kindly, I'm in Kansas, USA. Pro version.
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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by admin »


I'm afraid that youtube videos aren't really my strong point, but I can provide some pointers...

Enclose the imaging steps before the meridian in a 'Stop running these steps when <Distance> degrees from the meridian'. Every degree is 4 minutes of time, so unless your subs are longer than 4 minutes, 1 degree should be enough to ensure that any frame in progress can finish in the remaining time

* Next have a 'Save the current mount co-ordinates' so that the sequencer knows where to go back to
* A wait step to allow time for the mount to reach the meridian
* A meridian flip the mount step to actually flip to the opposing side
* A 'Move the mount to previously saved co-ordinates' step to return to the original target
* A 'Plate solve, sync and re-goto' step to center the original target

And, after that, you should be able to include the second part of the imaging.

It's probably best to try it out on targets just approaching the meridian to begin with so you have five minutes of imaging, a flip and then continuing - you can then keep an eye on what happens and tweak any settings as required before letting it loose on a more serious imaging session.


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Re: Automating run including meridian flip


Post by Geekman42 »

Cool beans, thank you very much. I'll give it my best shot!
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