green grid in auto-stack raw frames

Discussions of Electronically Assisted Astronomy using the Live Stacking feature.
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green grid in auto-stack raw frames


Post by JamesDixonLR »

I apologize if this has been asked before, I did look but found nothing. I save my raw frames during live stacking but when I review them they have a fine green grid across them. What can I do about that?
Screenshot 2024-04-20 085348.png
Screenshot 2024-04-20 085348.png (31.66 KiB) Viewed 766 times
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Re: green grid in auto-stack raw frames


Post by admin »


I suspect that the raw frames saved from live stacking are 'RAW' images from a colour camera, which means that the colour information is encoded in differences between neighbouring pixels. If you zoom in to the pixel level you would likely see a chessboard like brightness pattern. Sometimes this sort of file can give the effect shown in your image when viewed 'zoomed out'.

You need to use a viewer or tool that is capable of debayering the images to full colour to see them properly - see viewtopic.php?t=254


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